Valentine’s Day is already over for most but for me, it’s celebrated everyday with my lovely friends, family and that special someone. Apparently, Facebook’s data scientists too got into the flow of things: Does having that someone special really makes us happy? The results, which are detailed on Facebook’s blog aren’t quite as black and white as you might have expected. Read More
You have the perfect business idea. But it can’t come to fruition without money. So how do you get your master plan in motion? Read More
It's high time we started moving this economy forward. Let's get out of this slump and help the country grow in the right direction. After all, small business is the main force of economic growth and the catalyst for job growth that is sorely needed right now. Read More
A loan default is the failure to meet the financial obligations indicated in the loan agreement that is signed by you and your lender. Often, a loan default translates into the business owner's inability to pay their debts on time. Read More
Apple's new tablet could soon prove both a vital launch pad and productivity tool for entrepreneurs. Call it the Apple iPad, "Jesus tablet" as some media insiders have, or just Steve Jobs's latest high-tech obsession. Read More
Successful businesses are built on collaborations; functional collaborations. No business can survive without establishing and developing powerful relationships with like-minded business owners. Read More
In order to win in today’s fiercely competitive economy it is absolutely critical to create a customer service program that transcends standards and puts the personal element back into customer relations. If small businesses spend the time and the money to create a customer service program that knocks their customer’s socks off it will prove to be worth every penny. Read More
Great salespeople have the ability to lead. They have the ability to generate results through the efforts of others on their teams, as well as their client’s teams. Read More
Scott Fox has 3 easy ways for YOU to win this week:

1. Win a Day's Promotion on Win a free day of web-wide social media promotion for your product on this fun contest site.

2. Win e-Riches 2.0 on my NEW Facebook Page: If you'll join my new Facebook page and leave comment, you'll be entered to win my latest book, e-Riches 2.0: Next Generation Online Marketing Strategies. B Read More
Scott Fox interviews Giancarlo Massaro, the 20 year old founder of, a clever daily contest web site.

Listen to learn about's innovative business model and how Giancarlo makes money simply by giving away prizes daily.

The combination of low overhead production expenses, sponsored contests, and consistent publicity via social media marketing channels like Face Read More

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