Small business grant program – everything you want is in these words. Small business grant is for eager beavers only, small business grant program needs people who are keen on hard job and small business grant will not accept you anyway – all these statements you must forget, because today you will know new ones, which will help you and other members of the program to get this grant of your dream Read More
Since June 15, 2009, the United States Small Business Administration has been processing deferred payment small business loans of as much as Read More
Whether creating it in-house or paying for custom website design services, there are some key things every website for small business should include. Read More
Optimising small business online advertising through video targeted to provide small business search engine optimisation that will put your company ahead. Read More
How to use Google Reader to get Alerts on keywords and phrases that you want to search on. Track mentions on your company, your competition, your products or whatever you want. Save time and spend it on more profitable tasks. Read More
Sales is getting too soft. This is not a call to return to the hard sell, but instead a reminder that the outcomes that we in sales want and need have not changed. Being professional and being too soft are two very different things. Read More
Nothing really big ever happened without a vision, says Gail Blanke, Founder and CEO of Lifedesigns LLC. That includes the world of business, she says, and adds that these visions are usually provided not by those who fit in but by those who stand out. Watch the video at Open Forum Innovation. It's really quite inspiring. Read More
Passionate engagement separates the successful from the less successful. It separates the masters from the dabblers. Great salespeople are passionately engaged in all that they do, their clients feel it and they buy it. Read More
Date your business before you marry it, is the advice of Alegre Ramos founded Green and Greener, an eco living design center and general store in LA. Ramos talks with Lindsey Campbell of Small Business Rules in this video again from Open Forum Innovation. Read More
Do we value the opinions of our friends on the internet? An article by the Ad Contrarian suggests that about 75 percent of us do not trust friends as ‘credible sources of information about products or companies’. The implication is that companies may need to re-evaluate their approach on the internet; after all, why tap into online marketing if it cannot drive consumer spend?
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