Most businesses fail within the first five years of opening their doors. Creating a mature and profitable business can be one of the most difficult accomplishments a small businesses owner can have. Read More
Here are a couple of different ways to get interactive if you are in sales. SBU looks at different perspectives in Sales. Sales Smack gives you a chance to chime in and make a difference in the discussion and the outcome. Read More
When your client asks for something of you when it relates to a sales, make sure that you get something in return. Read More
When asked, most accountants, attorneys, and other professionals tell me that the primary way they acquire new clients is through word or mouth or referrals – no surprise there. What does surprise me is how often these same folks tell... Read More
ClickPredictions eBook contains over 100 recommended resources from top marketers including 39 of the best content marketers, B2B marketers, email marketers and social media gurus. Check page 17 for my prediction. Read More
My piece speaks to the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which isn't part of the traditional marketing bag of tricks. It was a bold move but I did it knowing I might be squandering a good opportunity to be involved in an important project. Still, CSR is something I feel passionately about. Read More
Why is sales always in-sourced, could not some sales be approached the same way as IT contracting, finance temps, and other functions that can be better executed by a team of contracted professionals. What do you think? Read More
What do a web site, a barber shop and a supermarket store have in common? Recurring visitors: no web site, and few business can survive without a constant flow of returning visitors. Find here some simple but effective formulas to identify missing visitors ASAP to prevent what is usually called churn or attrition. Read More
When marketing your small business you can’t really step into your customers’ shoes to see what is important to them because it will still be your perception. You do need their input and feedback so you can fine tune your marketing to strengthen your customer relationships and succeed in your market.
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Social networking websites are platform where people connect with friends, family members and new peoples in a particular community. Today these social network sites are buzzword in business community because of opportunity provided to interact with potential customers and to know what people are talking about your business. Read More

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