Despite the tough economic times, conventional wisdom in the small-business marketplace holds that there is always a market for good businesses. One such business is this niche manufacturer of specialty lighting and related products that has continued to post profits right through the recession. Read More
Start-up lessons from Google Buzz. When it was first launched, business pundits crowed about the brilliance of Google Buzz. Jason Calacanis called it "brilliant. Like ground-breaking, game-changing brilliant," declaring that Facebook had "lost half its value." The one problem: While Buzz made a lot of sense as a business move--a way to compete with startups like Twitter and Tumblr--it didn't make Read More
You don’t have to spend a fortune on your brochure marketing campaign in order for it to be a huge success. Creating marketing brochures on your own is a great way to save on your promotions. We know you need a little help on that, so we’ve listed down practical tips for creating your marketing materials. Read More
I am giving up “giving up” for Lent …. Givng Up is the easy option. Advice to practice persistence and help reject rejection. Read More
There are many obstacles that prevent us from progressing in business and some are fairly obvious: Time, Money, Support, Energy... Read More
What do you like most about running your own business?  Anita received some standard answers, but this research survey report gives a ton of info you'll want to read if you work with or market to small biz owners. Read More
Perhaps the single, most important marketing strategy that should be practiced by all small business owners is to make marketing a daily routine. Granted, there may be 101 different priorities vying for your attention at any given moment, but if you neglect marketing on more than just an occasional basis, then you risk losing potential sales, being overtaken by the competition, and placing self-i Read More
Taxes are an inevitable — and painful — part of every business owner's life. But there are ways to reduce, if not eliminate, your company's tax burden if you know how to use business-expense tax deductions to your advantage. Read More
Social media is easily becoming one of the best communication channels available to reach your consumer base. Businesses all over the world are peering into social media and how it can help them increase their online (and offline) presence and revenue. Luckily, building your brand through social media is a very simple process if a business takes the time to maintain their accounts and assets whil Read More
Quiet often, we use various search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo to find solutions to our various business queries. Such search engines make the searching Read More

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