Consider the following letter by an active head of one of the largest software company in America: Results are the only things that count. We are perfectly willing to pay ... Read More
Different Models Of Selling - Which Is best? Very often when running sales training courses I am asked what is the best way of selling. Generally i reply "It depends", which must infuriate some of my ...Different Models Of Selling - Which Is best? Read More

The term “backchannel” was coined in the field of Linguistics in the 1970’s to describe listeners’ behaviors during verbal communication. It is commonly used these days to describe the behavior or conversation going on in social media while a speaker is making a presentation. In some conferences the majority of the people listening may be actively Tweeting throughout a speech.

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Most franchisors stay the course when it comes to searching for new franchisees, and even new franchise locations. They open new franchises in, or at least close to, major population centers. Personally, I've received inquiries from people who live in... Read More

Marketing podcast with Avinash Kaushik (Click to listen, right click and Save As to download – subscribe now via iTunes

[Google Analytics v2.0]

Avinash Kaushik, author of Web Analytics 2.0 is one of those rare people who can take a somewhat dry and mathlike subject of web analytics and make it sound easy and even fun. I got to spend a few minutes with Avinash for this episode of the Read More
LinkedIn is a great tool for searching and connecting with prospects and strategic referral partners. Most people know that you can use the Advance Search feature to narrow you search by criteria such as location, industry, title, etc. While LinkedIn... Read More
This recession changed the way buying decisions were made and these changes will continue. Here are five lessons learned from selling in a recession. Read More
News about Martin Lindstrom on the Today Show, The Sales 2.0 Pro Bowl Team, The Conference Board's Senior Sales Executive Conference in Chicago, the Top 10 Sales Blogs... Read More
Achieving sales success does not require a major change in your approach. Apply these single-action strategies and your sales will improve. Read More
Flickr, the photo sharing site owned by Yahoo, is an excellent way to promote products you sell. This is a “how to” article design to show how to use Flickr to promote products and drive qualified leads your way. Read More

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