In these tumultuous economic times, small business owners need to find ways to squeeze more value from every dollar invested. One of the larger expense lines is advertising. So why not start here? Read More
Too many sales people get caught in the trap of asking low-quality questions instead of more powerful ones. Here are suggestions that will help you ask better questions and close more sales. Read More
Most first interviews are conducted over the telephone. Here are strategies that will help you ace that intial interview. Read More
“We kids still dream about perfection. Our audacity to imagine helps push the boundaries of reality.” Adora Svitak. So who is she?

At only two and a half years old, Adora could read and write simple words but what’s most astounding about her is she published her own book when she was only 7 years old. On top of that, she’s currently the youngest TED speaker at twelve years old. Read More
How will this affect the American people and the economic recovery: This is not going to be hard to explain. If an office closes down and the office manager Read More
Great employees who give superior customer service, have a consistent professional appearance and keen knowledge of your service or product are one of the best investments you can make in your business. Read More
I read a blog post yesterday declaring the death of direct mail and found my inspiration to write this blog post. I am a firm believer in a multi-channel marketing approach; although direct mail is my business, I also market via my blog, my e-newsletter, Twitter, LinkedIn and old-school face-to-face networking. To demonstrate that direct mail is not in fact dead, I received permission from 2 cl Read More
Last week my friend and colleague Monica O'Brien published her first book, Social Pollination: Escape the Hype of Social Media and Join the Companies Winning At It, a thorough guide to social media marketing for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and PR and marketing folks. Read More
How to use data to help your clients make better decisions and let them purchase more from you and your company. Read More
Market research is key to ensuring your business stays up to date. Competitor analysis along with an understanding of consumer trends is vital to ensuring your continued business success. Ask Dr Evil what it's like to be out of touch! Read More

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