Despite their best efforts to manage their companies’ cash flow, half of small business owners have suffered a sudden cash crunch in the past 12 months, according to a new survey from Citibank.
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In my last post, I took a look at what you need to know about how email subject lines render on mobile devices. Today, I’m going to outline how you can make sure your value proposition get across when viewed on mobile. The pre-header – you get a second chance. The old saying goes that… Read More
We have been, and will be paying a lot of attention to rendering of email on mobile devices as we continue to see increases in the use of mobile devices to engage email. As we look at the whole experience, though, we don’t want to neglect anything, including the subject line. We know subject lines… Read More
Social may democratize the marketing landscape, but big businesses still have the upper hand in terms of best-practices, simply because they have more resources to devote to new media.

What's a smaller marketer to do to keep pace in the social space? Here's some help.

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You may think it is a little early to start thinking about employee gifts right now, but you would be surprised! Once fall approaches, time has a tendency to fly by. For that reason, it’s never too soon to start thinking about what you are going to do this year to thank your loyal employees. Read More
The worst thing you can do as a visionary and a blogger is limit yourself. The biggest rewards come from the biggest ideas, and the biggest ideas aren’t always easy to implement. Read More
The first step in managing a return process is to create a fair set of policies that govern product returns. The second step is to communicate your procedures on your website, in your product materials, and even on your wall if customers come into your physical location. Read More
If You Write Sales Letter Copy For Your Site Or Have It Written For You What You See In This Copywriting Critique Could Very Well Save You From The Embarrassment That Comes With Having Few or No Sales Of What You're Offering Read More
Local TV stations and radio shows, hometown newspapers and magazines, and locally oriented blogs are all looking for the same thing: local content. Read More
Some methods you can use to promote your small business, especially if you utilize the Internet to your advantage. Read More

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