Is your business running smoothly, safe and helping you reach your goals? Here are three reasons why you should take a small business check up today. Read More
Small business loans are becoming more and more difficult to obtain from banks. Crowdfunding is a new way to receive an unconventional business loan. Read More
Guest posts is the best way to gain some exposure and some traffic to your blog. The best benefit of guest blogging is the exposure it gives. Read More
THOSE WHOSE businesses have not been generating satisfaction to the demands of their clients have known too well that best solution only lies with B2B Contacts. The main reason why you will need to get on the B2B Contact wagon is that it will give your marketing and sales departments ample time to Read More
An SEO campaign can be broken down into two separate phases. The first part is the on-site optimization phase. Before building links that will generate search engine trust and traffic to your website it’s important to have a solid SEO foundation with your website. The website should be full of help Read More
A few weeks ago I was working on an SEO audit analysis for a client that thought they were impacted by Penguin. For the record, the first step in identifying a Google penalty is to make sure you actually have one! I can’ tell you how many site owners I’ve talked to that thought they had a penalty w Read More
If you think you don’t need a content management system right now you might be wrong. If you have a website, you have content. If you have internal communications, you have content.

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Emily shares some must-read tips for using hashtags to promote our businesses the right way on Twitter. Read More
Wondering about the effectiveness of pay-per-call as a performance marketing model? CTR rates go up 250% after including phone numbers in paid search search ads; call-to-conversion rates (CR) range from 30% to 50% (as opposed to 1%-3% for click-to-call CR), while average phone order values end up b Read More
In early May, GM made a big announcement. Not about a new product line or a CEO or the kind of financial difficulties that were such big news just a few years ago, but about their decision to pull $10 million of their advertising off of Facebook. Their reasoning: they weren’t getting a return on th Read More

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