Small Biz CEO: If you have just ONE employee that deals with customers or potential customers, then they are in “sales,” and you are their sales manager. Read More
Meetings can be the site for a variety of nonproductive, dysfunctional behaviors, such as cutting someone off, being argumentative, or making negative comments. If positive action is not taken in such cases, the meeting can quickly go downhill. Read More
Team building efforts in business often vary dependent on the type of organization, the number of individuals in a team, as well as misunderstandings of the team concept. In this summation post I preview some fascinating team building tactics... Read More
The PR Verdict: “D” (It’s a Dud) for Barclays for avoiding disclosure of the most important piece of news. Is anyone’s head going to roll?
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When we talk about social media, we talk a lot about people influencing their friends and families to make purchases or explore new brands. But if the results of a new study by Nielsen for Captivate Network are any indication, marketers may be overlooking a key word-of-mouth channel: the office.
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Finding the right employees is a key component to running a successful business. Often you only get one chance to meet an individual after a resume is sent, and deciding on the perfect candidate comes down to 30 minutes or less. Making the most out of an interview can save you time and money, as Read More
How many of us start out the day with a firm commitment to crossing projects off the “to do” list? And then what happens? We click our email icon and the floodgates open. It’s been many years since businesses began using email as a preferred method of communication. Yet we still have a ways to go o Read More
Entrepreneurs never want to take a vacation from their businesses, but that’s exactly what we need to be better business owners. Take these tips to look like you're still working, even when you're on the beach. Read More
If you’re not having luck with getting a small business loan from a bank and investors aren’t banging down your door to provide you with a smaller amount of money, consider crowdfunding as an alternative. Read More
Entrepreneurs never want to take a vacation from their businesses, but that’s exactly what we need to be better business owners. These tips help make you look like you're still working, even if you're on the beach! Read More

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