Melinda Emerson offers some of her wisdom on when and how to contact your customers to keep them engaged and purchasing more from your business. Read More
Google authorship is a great way to add a layer of personal branding to your posts and hopefully increase the click-through rate of those posts when they appear within Google’s SERPs. In this post I’m going to talk about the importance of Google authorship(verifying yourself as the official author Read More
Do we need managers to bring our businesses to growth and success in this new economy or do we need leaders who will work with their employees to create a vision for growth and success? Read More
This is a great post on how to create a media it for your website or blog that can help you to get more paid reviews and free giveaways for contests. Read More
Guarantees, warranties and testimonials are all ways to show how reliable you are. These, you should have.

But you’ve heard the term, “show, not tell.” You can actually demonstrate your reliability with the way you send your marketing emails.

Read on, we'll show you. Read More
You have a business idea, now what? These tips will help you navigate common pitfalls and help get you to market faster. Read More
Is your retail store or ecommerce site effectively competing in a multichannel world? A new study by hybris, the Multichannel Shopping Survey, found that the vast majority of consumers (80 percent) are more likely to be loyal to retailers that offer an integrated experience across all sales channel Read More
When getting started with a new SEO campaign, or at least once every year if you are currently executing a long term campaign, it’s important to conduct an SEO audit of your website to see how your website is being viewed by the search engines. In addition to looking at and analyzing inbound links Read More
A few weeks ago I was talking with a small travel website owner that was interested in Brick Marketing’s new SEO service for small businesses. His challenge, like most small business owners, was that he had a little bit of budget set aside for SEO but he didn’t know what to do with it. He knew he n Read More
This is first interview with Ileane smith of where she shares her secrets about how to build a better blog along with the link building strategies to get a High PR. Read More

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