Adam_Gottlieb commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Why So Many Small Businesses Get Social Media Wrong & Some Ideas to Get It Right
"Yeah, but many business owners seem to have forgotten. Social media is not really a separate entity; it's merely a vehicle for communication and exchanging data. Customers are hanging out there, using it to make purchasing decisions, and incorporating its use in many other aspects of their lives. So businesses have to follow them in some way. But it itself can't build their brand."Why So Many Small Businesses Get Social Media Wrong & Some Ideas to Get It Right
"Martin, I totally agree! Small business owners need to start with the "why" behind their social media- based efforts, and if small business owners don't know what they are doing with their social media campaigns they need to consult a good social media expert to help them through it. The problem is... Not all Social Media professionals are created equal. One telltale sign that something is off: when the expert makes sweeping, general claims right from the beginning about what social media will do for your business (social media benefits are a highly individual matter); Another: there is no system or emphasis on measuring the actual monetary return for your efforts."12 Things You Need To Know About FaceBook Graph Search
"I can see how this new FB feature will be incredibly useful to people as well as businesses interested in data mining. I know there are a lot of FB detractors out there, but IMO they are making a lot of strategic moves that will keep their users vested in the platform for many years to come. On the other hand, major privacy issues here. This new feature can really be abused as well..."Benefits of Outsourcing Your Marketing Strategies
"Good post... Small business owners should just keep in mind that they really need to research any person or company before hiring them to help with marketing. As much effort as you would make to hire a permanent employee, that's the amount of effort needed here. A company's online reputation can easily be broken by a stupid mistake made by a so-called "professional" marketer."Why Your Small Business Should Avoid Location-Based Social Media Marketing
"Martin, I hear... and I agree that there are currently (and will be in the future) many benefits to location based services for both customers and businesses. However, there are several inherent problems here: For platforms such as Foursquare, for every business where this kind of service works, I guarantee you I can find at least ten to twenty businesses where it doesn't. It appeals to a very specific crowd, and thus, a very specific business. The payback just isn't there for most businesses. They'd have more to gain by focusing their resources in other areas. On a different note...Even services such as Yelp are going to start running into problems. Why? Because there are just way too many reviews, too much information, etc, etc. The model has to change... and it will. If we put the user experience of Amazon, Google, Facebook (and maybe a bit of Apple) into a blender- that is where the Internet is heading. People are going to be increasingly sent select information (and experiences) based on their unique profiles (a combo of their demographics, online connections, online activities, off-line activities, location, and we can ad a few other variables in there just for kicks). This is already starting to happen... I still hold that there's going to a backlash to all of this- whether actively by people trying to avoid these kinds of services (though it may get harder to do so) or passively, by tuning out all. "Subscribe
8 Ways to Get Instant, Quality Traffic and Social Sharing For Your New Business Blog
"Hi Teepu, I know what you mean about those LinkedIn groups... That's why you have to search for the quality ones because not all of them are like that. Some are actually closed to the public and you must apply to be accepted. These are usually moderated and have better quality posts and interaction. But I've had great experience even on some of the public ones."