ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar

All Things in Moderation: Attributes of Effective Social Media Moderators

"Yoni, Great points and good luck in your new gig! I think the most important ideas here for me are probably #5 and #7, but they can be summed up by saying that everything a moderator does should be done to promote community. This means no ulterior motives beyond making the community a better place and a source of the best information possible for all members, but it also means working hard to make sure that every member gets a voice. As you observe, there can be other motives for individual members to become involved in social media sites including greater exposure for their work and potentially more clients or customers for their businesses. But these motives must be subservient to the needs of the entire community and making sure this is the case is the job of every moderator. This can mean making some tough decisions. Members come to a community for many different reasons: some to share information they have found helpful or posts they have created, some to comment or vote on the submissions they find most beneficial, still others to network and find business owners with whom they may share common goals and with whom new partnerships can flourish. It is important for moderators to avoid prejudice when considering the many ways in which members may decide to participate and share (other than to discourage contributions which only serve to ruin the experience for everyone else.) But to restate, community is what is MOST important and maintaining and nurturing that community should be the top goal of every social media moderator. "

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