ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar
How Much Does Marketing Cost?
"Hi Fiona, You are right that marketing will cost you either in terms of time or in terms of money (or both.) It probably depends upon the kind of marketing you plan to do and the kind of business you are in. But I think there's also something to the idea that marketing should really be part of your product, your business, your service...Seth Godin's "Purple Cow," if you will. So probably as important as asking how much marketing you need is the question, what kind of marketing is best for your business."Sales Leader: Multiplier or Diminisher; Hero or Hero-Maker?
"Great post, Mike. I think it's probably easier to be the diminisher than the multiplier, especially when your insecurities kick in. Of course, the irony is the kinds of accolades craved by such a leadership personality usually come to you naturally when you just don't go there. Multiplying is probably easier to do once you get in the zone,(What a relief not to have to do everything yourself!) but it's probably harder to get there and takes a radical alteration of the way would-be leaders are most often conditioned to think."6 Steps to Keywords That Can Grow Your Business - 12 Post SEO Guide
"Hi Alastair, Guess I overlooked this somehow at first glance on front earlier today, but I think there are some really important things to think about here as far as SEO goes. Particularly about making sure the keywords you're using are accurate in describing your content and not just words thrown in to improve how your site comes up in search. I'm also wondering about making the decision on whether to go for search terms with a high global search number (and thus presumably more competition in ranking) and those with lower search numbers where it would probably be easier to rank highly. What are your thoughts on this issue?"Awesome Google Tools for your Website
"Very cool list of resources, Fiona. I think it's great to look at content in a number of different ways and to tweak Websites and look at them from a number of different perspectives. It's easy to measure things from only one perspective and get stuck in a certain way of thinking. Some people warn about monkeying with too many tools and about going in too many direction when looking at a Website, but let's face it, nowadays, your Website often is your business. You should always be making alterations where necessary to keep it working perfectly. "7 Qualities of Highly Desirable Clients
"Your right. These are attributes of the best clients. I think it's also a good idea for all of us to look at the kind of client we are being to our suppliers and other business partners to be sure we are doing our part in this ecosystem as well. What goes around comes around so it pays to treat others with respect. "Does your website support your sales efforts or cater to your ego?
"Thought that was your graphic, Martin. I've always loved the Randesque(?) design sensibility of your site being a great fan of Ayn Rand's writing and philosophy myself. I've also always believed that on some level a business winds up being a manifestation of an entrepreneur's personality anyway. There's no fighting it. Of course, with so many parts to a personality, the question often is which part, and how will it connect with your customers. "How Lewis Howes Went From Sleeping On His Sister's Couch To Becoming THE Authority On LinkedIn
"David, I loved this interview. Pretty damn inspiring too. And I think it exemplifies the bootstrapping approach very well, though this is not necessarily where you were headed (Or maybe it was?) You can put a lot of money into the game to begin with but hunger and ingenuity are probably better ingredients for success. I'm wondering if someday you could do a video on your own story and the creation of "The Rise to The Top," but maybe a lot of that is in the upcoming book?"Subscribe
Blogging Just for Money... or Is There Something More?
"Daniel, Blogging is definitely a chicken or the egg situation. There are definitely monetary benefits (business benefits) to being involved in blogging. In fact, it will benefit you in ways it is probably difficult to imagine when you're getting started. But, like any business, money-making shouldn't probably be your only objective. Enriching yourself and others is the simplest route to success."