ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar

Silicon Valley Angels Accused of Collusion and Price-fixing

"I suspect I'm in the minority on this one, but the problem, in my view, isn't so much that this kind of nonsense goes on but that government officials are quite likely to overreact to it impacting smaller businesses in ways not yet imagined. Price fixing and collusion occurred in many small markets across the U.S., and elsewhere I'm sure, in times past, even before the growth of big business as we know it today. In those days, when communications and resources may have been more limited, this may have actually been a problem. Today, in the age of the Internet, the idea of a couple of guys sitting together in a room in San Francisco and deciding how to manipulate the future of tech business is kind of matter who they are. Regrettably, the Fed is almost certain not to think so and instead will likely pass, or try to pass, a bunch of invasive legislation that will further curtail much needed cooperation and collaboration among smaller businesses who cannot hope to ever control the market in the way these angels are allegedly proposing. (There other option would be to simply investigate to determine whether, in this instance, a crime was committed, but I hold out little hope that this will be the end of it.) Just my two cents, but any kind of collusion intended to control markets is largely a horse and buggy strategy in an age of instant communication and rapid networking. And so, probably, is the notion that government legislation is needed to prevent it. "

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