ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar
6 Free and Amazing Ways to Promote Your Business
"TJ, I think it really depends on your range of experience. Maybe to some none of the items on this list are amazing, however, I can say for certain that I talk to people regularly, including people who have been running businesses for years, to whom almost every item on this list is a revelation. So, are the people responding to your tweets and the people I talk to offline a different set? In some cases, perhaps. And does this mean we're singing to the choir? Maybe. As for the title, it's hard to get anyone to read a post entitled "6 Common Ways to Promote Your Business You've Probably Already Heard About." Besides, I've been immersed in online business for some years now and I still think it's amazing! Maybe all of this is in the eye of the beholder and maybe we all should take the time to be a little more amazed by what is possible. Thanks for retweeting. You made the right decision. :)"7 Sneaky Ways to Use Twitter to Spy on Your Competition
"Thanks for sharing, Wayne, and nice to see you again here on BizSugar. I've come to the conclusion that competition should strengthen almost any business and if not it may be the sign of a much greater and deeper problem with your venture. So I guess I'd characterize the transparency which social media has made the order of the day as a very positive development."6 Marketing Myths You Should Ignore
"Hi Susan, Consider them forgotten. :) Actually, it's funny but with the first one I find the key is to have realistic sales objectives. I think there are too many people who, as Guy Kawasaki would say, forecast from the top (we should easily be able to sell 500 units by next Thursday) with completely unrealistic sales goals. And this may be where the advice to disregard them completely originated."Subscribe
Start Relaxing To Make Your Business Amazing
"Amen. But it is something to shoot for :)"