Businessavante commented on the following stories on BizSugar
A Modern Business Lesson from Soviet Lt. Colonel Stanislav Petrov: The Man Who Saved the World!
"Scary, Yoni! It may someday just happen that some unthinkably awful thing could happen because someone blindly believed incoming data - it could be nukes, or some kind of electronic bug that disables civilization. But as you said (and as Vic Perrin said closing many original "Outer Limits" episodes) it will be a Man that Decides (whether to believe the computer, or go with his gut)! businessavante"Lack of Integrity is an Easy Quality to Detect
"You're so right, Marty - the only ones who don't get it are the ones who don't have it! They spend their whole life trying to "get over" & "find angles", and think everyone else is as bad as they are. It's the thought process of a criminal brain. businessavante"Ted Williams: When Pop Culture and Brands Collide
"From FaceBook, I know that in the Cleveland area there are a lot of out-of-work announcers who are wondering what they did wrong by towing the line all these years looking for work. The feeling I get is that they're mad because none of them were offered game show riches - or even work. I'm not taking sides on this specific issue, just reporting what I've read on FaceBook. I wish ALL of them luck. businessavante"Subscribe
The Most Amazing Press Release Ever Written -- CHICAGO, Jan. 11, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --
"I guess I just don't like to be tricked. businessavante"