Businessavante commented on the following stories on BizSugar
100 Things to Watch in 2011
"I agree w/all the above - thanks for taking the trouble to present this, Jake! I must say that #31 bothers me: Electronic Profiling. A vending machine in Japan that extrapolates facial characteristics into demographic information to predict beverage choice. It's way too "1984" for me - besides, no computer or website can predict what I want or what my interests are - all they can do is spit out permutations of what I've scanned before (whether it was for me or for someone else). Taking it to the level of judging what I'll like based on my facial characteristics is somehow repugnant. Does this mean it "picks your pop" based on racial stereotypes?? businessavante"Why Online Art Dealers PWN their Offline Counterparts
"I can Maybe see art dealers enjoying humiliating each other in a childish way like this, but not artists. Nowadays artists normally respect each other's contribution - there's enough room for every perspective not to demean each other. (This was not always the case. Leonardo once said Botticelli's trees looked so bad they must have been made by throwing a sponge at the canvas - but he was Da Vinci.) businessavante"How to Find Part Time and Intern Help and Gigs :: Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
"Thanks for the pointers, Sara. On a side note, I can picture my Mom's face c.1965 if I was goofing off & told her I was "virtually" working (picture Judge Judy ramping up her voice). businessavante"Subscribe
Is Social Media a Threat to Corporations?
"Except in the case of fraudulent reviews (positive OR negative), the biggies have pretty much had it all their own way till now. Now, people's criticisms carry the weight of numbers. People who had problems in the past were complaining in an isolated way - the biggies Could resolve the problem, or blow it off w/virtual impunity - who'd know? businessavante"