Businessavante commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Managing the Business Owner: Of Machines & Work-Life Balance
"This is so true, Elli. I'd even go as far as to say that the faulty mindset you describe can sometimes be attributed to Arrogance. It Can come from insecurity or desperation, too - but sometimes it's just Arrogance (a very ugly word) to believe the world (your business) can't survive w/o you actively attending it every single day, no exceptions. (The "nothing is ever good enough" / "never be satisfied" mindset compounds this - leading to "full-on dementia".) Duncan"Link Building Tool Submiteaze: Saves You Money Wastes Your Time
"Interesting, Andy. This very much supports what Lisa Barone wrote earlier today in her article titled "5 More SEO Strategies for SMB's to Avoid", and it backs-up Shawn Hessinger's comment with solid evidence. Valentine Belonwu posted the article here. Duncan"What You Need To Know About Online Sales Tax
"Right, Thursday - and it's about to get a lot worse with so many states (California included, though Arnold said he'll veto it) that are thinking about taxing affiliates on Amazon - who Will pull out of said states like a kitty backing-out of a paper bag. In their zest to collect, they'll end up killing businesses left & right, and losing in the not-so-long run. Duncan "The Old Rules Of Business That Still Matter: Rule #1
"Wonderful reminiscences, Steve. Generally, I agree, but I will say that having grown up being taught to always be polite, and not really questioning it, I came to a sudden realization in my early fifties. Politeness is OK on the surface, but the world is - and always was - full of those who would be polite to your face, then turn around and stab you in the back every chance they got. Since that revelation, politeness seems a bit over-rated - a mere show of civility for its own sake, whether real or used as a disguise for evil. Duncan"5 More SEO Strategies for SMBs to Avoid
"Thanks for sharing this, Valentine. Lisa Barone is right-on warning about getting into reciprocal linking schemes - I see it touted as a "strategy" for blog commenting all the time, as well as the continued pushing of "link-baiting", "link wheels", "article marketing", and "directories" - anything & everything to try to get over on Google. Duncan"Subscribe
Strategies For Increasing Website Sales
"Hi Zuly. I was impressed with the thoroughness of the info on obtaining & following-up email addresses from the point of view of the seller, but as a customer I think there should always be an opt-out offered in case it's not working-out from that end. Duncan"