Marketingm8 commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Social Media spend and marketing budgets are going up at last!
"Marketing budgets don't go up very often if there's not confidence in the economy, right? That's how I look at it! No shock Social Media spend is on the up & up! My question is will people use it properly? But that's another Blog post :) Thanks for your comments. I've been very involved in promoting myself on empire Avenue, hence the slow reply. I've created a Construction Blog Professionals group on LinkedIn too and included BizSugar in the feed! Thanks for your comments, all the very best, Peter"Social Media spend and marketing budgets are going up at last!
"That will be forever then! I'm an eternal optimist and I think 9hope) Social media and Social media marketing can help get us out of this mess. Seems to me Social Media's creating quite a few jobs right now! Thanks for your comment. Best regards Peter"Empire Avenue, the Empire Avenue Facebook group and being an 'early adopter'!
"Hi Susan, thanks for your comment and good point. The only real benefits that I can see are branding and networking. I've met a lot of new people and had fun! If it helps my brand, get me more Twitter followers, Facebook friends and Blog traffic that's fine by me!! I just think Social Media is all about being connected to people and Empire Avenue seems like a great way!! I hope I answered your question. Thanks again, Peter"Empire Avenue, the Empire Avenue Facebook group and being an 'early adopter'!
"Hi, how are you? Empire Avenue certainly seems to be a big subject and on everyone's lips!! I've got no idea why my Blog loads fast?? I thought it was a tad slow & someone told me to loose Wibiya, but I like it too much! I just use WordPress with standard plug ins, I did build my Blog, but really I'm a tech-moron too, sorry!! Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it a lot!! All the best Peter"Empire Avenue, the summer of Social Media, guest Blogs and the Royal Wedding!
"Cheers Yoni, Appreciate your input! Writing about construction can be predictable but Social Media is constantly changing and that's what makes it fun! I guess I've reinvented myself over the last couple of years. Not much construction happening but having said that, not that much spending on marketing either. The UK economy is slow and that's being very, very polite! Oh well, PMA and all that! I'm just happy to be doing something that I really enjoy and I guess that comes across in the writing! Cheers, all the best, Peter "10 Kickass Ways to Use Humor for Your Internet Marketing Success
"I couldn't agree more! This is a great post and hopefully it will inspire people to be amusing. Having said that, it is very important to be original too, don't just copy what's out there already and be very careful that what you consider really funny, someone else doesn't consider inappropriate. Humour, however you spell it, is very subjective and unless totally innocent can be dodgy ground to tread on. Be careful NOT to upset people!! I'm smiling as I type because my Social Media satire 8 post is out in a day or two and 8 weeks ago it started as a 'one off'! Just proves the power of a smile during difficult times. All the best, Peter"Too Many Sales To Make
"Very good post! It's hard trying to sell to people that really aren't interested and qualifying any lead is so important. Selling to disinterested parties is an expensive and soul destroying hobby! Social Media marketing has taken sales and selling into a different dimension and with Social Media people will make it very obvious that they want to buy, how many buying signals do you need to be convinced of an interest? The dilemma that I see, is where does traditional selling end and permission marketing begin, or visa versa? Go into a prospect too early an you're 'intrusive', go in too late and they've bought somewhere else. Prospect qualification has always been an art, it's now an art shared by sales and marketing. Seems to me that it's high time sales and marketing started working together more, using Social Media together and both seeing great results! Best regards, Peter"Free eMail Marketing With Posterous, BackLinks Included
"I tend to agree, I got a major 'ticking off' from someone fairly major at Social media Examiner a long while ago. I accidentally added them to my newsletter list TWICE!! Not a good result, I had to eat a lot of humble pie that day!! Regards Peter"Subscribe
Social Media satire 9: Empire Avenue, Buffer and hating spam!
"Hi Rivkah, Thanks very much indeed! It will continue, it's too popular to stop!! I'm just having fun!! I'm happy people enjoy it too! Makes it all worth while! Social media satire 10 tomorrow featuring Empire Avenue! I hope you like it!! All the best, Peter"