Bloggertone submitted the following stories to BizSugar

In same way that a project manager creates a project plan with deliverables, milestones and due dates, the content plan takes the same approach but focuses on content as the deliverable. Read More
Hands up if you're sick of social media! Hands up if you love it so much, you have to log in every day, at least six times! It may be unoffical, but those love-hate symptons are signs of social media sickness Read More
A good boss, like anything other good experience we have in life, can leave a lasting impression on us. But unlike horror stories often recounted about ‘bad’ bosses we don’t hear that many great stories about the ‘good’ boss. Read More
The speaker was recommending that the members of the audience switch from buying branded milk and other goods to buying own brand. The argument being that it is much cheaper and it is same product, same producer, same cows and the insinuation that this is still supporting the producer. Read More
This might seem a bit of a doh! type question, yet when I ask my coaching clients to describe their ideal clients they often have trouble doing just that. Often the phrase I hear most is Everybody who wants what I have to offer. Read More
If you are unsure as to whether or not you should blog for your business, the following story may help you to make up your mind. Read More
Your blog can be the shop window for your brand and your products and services. If you are unable to write the blog yourself, consider hiring a ghost blogger Read More

You’re Using Twitter The Wrong Way

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Social Media
From 4756 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on September 1, 2011 4:00 pm
We can start to look at Twitter through a different lens. Rather than seeing it as a place to pass the time, it becomes an instrument to network more effectively. What’s wrong with that Read More
While having a top-notch Web site, you failed to monitor your forum and someone posted a disparaging remark about a competitor. That competitor, in turn, has decided to sue for defamation and it could cost you plenty in more ways than one. Read More

Five Reasons You SHOULDN’T Use A List

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Social Media
From 4761 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on August 29, 2011 12:32 pm
It is with a hypocritical tear in my eye, that I write the final list post I shall ever write as both an ode and “sayanora” to playing it safe – Five reasons you shouldn’t use a list in your post: Read More

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