Jbhphx submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Introducing The Young Entrepreneur Mega InfoGraphic! Below is not only the longest InfoGraphic posted on the Internet, it’s also undoubtedly the most useful to anyone with an Entrepreneurial Mind. Scroll through the image below, and take it all in, and you’ll have all the info you need to start, Read More
The Hitachi Foundation’s approach to social entrepreneurship is different from what you may have seen from other enterprises or programs. The Foundation is seeking to fund an ethnically and geographically diverse group of young business leaders who have developed a viable business model that provid Read More
Not too long ago, terms like, “renewable,” “fair trade,” and “sustainable” were considered the vocabulary of what some would refer to as “granolas,” “tree huggers” or “the far left.” These days, you're almost as likely to hear a CEO speaking of corporate responsibility as financial projections. Read More
Why is it that people often say yes when they really want to say no? It could be that it’s engrained in us from birth. In our childhood, what was the one thing we hated to hear more than anything else? “Liver for dinner!” Ok, but after that it was probably, “No.” Read More
If you’re hungry for a great entrepreneurial success story - someone who has built a business from scratch, with no outside funding or unusual legs up and has built that business to the top of its market - you’ll love today’s interview!  Gabriel Shaoolian, founder and CEO of ... Read More
To most people, working from home sounds great. In fact it’s the dream of many nine-to-fivers and nearly every 7:00 a.m. commuter – which is probably why a Google search for “work from home business” yields 979 million page results. Who wouldn’t want the freedom to set your own hours, stay in your jammies all day, spend time with the kids, take a break whenever you want, even get a snack (or a beer) when the feeling strikes? Sounds divine, doesn’t it Read More
Last month, we launched our new annual blog awards series for recognizing our favorite blogs from a variety of categories. This week, we’re recognizing the top 10 blogs in the Motivational category. As an entrepreneur, finding the motivation to keep pushing forward each day can be a huge challenge, especially on those days where your business is falling apart and you’re questioning if it’s all worth it. By reading these blogs, you can get that support you need to overcome these obstacles and reach all your goals Read More
Hiring decisions can make or break a business. Great hires can take a business to new heights: bringing expertise, enthusiasm and increased profitability. A terrible hire, on the other hand, results in wasted time, money and effort Read More

5 Personality Traits of Happy Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by jbhphx under Self-Development
From http://www.youngentrepreneur.com 5092 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on August 18, 2010 7:06 pm
A while back, when a startup founder mentioned to me that he wasn’t sure he had the personality to be an entrepreneur, I realized how important that insight was Read More
Today’s world has many successful personal brands - Tim Ferriss, Gary Vaynerchuck, and Tony Robbins to name a few. Their success has led many to believe that their own ideas and philosophies can be practically applied to the world market for improving other’s lives Read More

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