Lyceum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Communicating in business is more than spelling words correctly or using punctuation marks in the right place. It’s about presenting and delivering your intended message with as much clarity as possible. Why? Business miscommunication can do more damage than hurt feelings. It can ruin a company’s r Read More
In the summer of 2016, Facebook announced the “Stories” functionality for Instagram. Social media marketers quickly pegged Instagram Stories as a “clone” of Snapchat’s core feature. Facebook has since ramped up with even more clones for Messenger (Messenger Day), WhatsApp (WhatsApp Status) and Face Read More
Are you making a good first impression? Researchers with the UK’s Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) think not.
The organization has created a special division called RADA in Business to pass on dramatic skills useful to the business community. In a survey of 1000 business people conducted by th Read More
Moving into the future, businesses need expertise in an ever-increasing array of marketing tools: email marketing, social media marketing, Google Ads, blogging, growth hacking, lead generation, SEO, SEM, etc. Understanding which tools and strategies to use to achieve your business objectives can be Read More
Internet domain registrar and web hosting company GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) is introducing WordPress Premium Support. The new customer support option gives small businesses and individuals the ability to contact one of over 40 on-call WordPress developers and GoDaddy’s best-in-class customer support Read More
As part of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights posted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), taxpayers, including small businesses, have the ability to appeal and resolve any disagreement you might have with the IRS. To simplify the appeals process, the agency just announced a new web-based virtual confere Read More
In every type of job, there is always room for creativity and innovation. It is not only art or technology that needs to be creative and innovative. Even in accounting there are ways to be more creative. For example; you can make more creative presentations. For this reason, if you want your employ Read More
As a retailer, no doubt you have some members of Generation Z on your staff — and if you don’t, you will soon. The millennials’ little siblings are entering the workforce (at least part-time) and their needs, strengths and expectations differ greatly from those of their older brothers and sisters. Read More
Late July and August are often known as the “dog days” of summer – high temperatures, slow pace, and a certain lethargy often sets in. Unless you run a seasonal business that benefits from summer tourism, you’re probably finding that your business is having a slower time of year during this season; Read More
When creating an ecommerce store, you need to pay special attention to design. Online shoppers are looking for eye-catching visuals and a professional layout. So you need to take care to create an ecommerce design that’s going to work for your business.
Of course, you’ll need to consider what type Read More

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