Lyceum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The creator of the Big Mac has died.
Jim Delligatti lived to 98 and is best known as a McDonald’s (NYSE:MCD) restaurant franchisee in Uniontown, Pennsylvania.
His story and success show that one franchise owner can have a big league impact on the overall company.
Indeed, Delligatti’s experimenta Read More
With 2017 rapidly approaching, it’s time for many small businesses to consider setting New Year’s resolutions. For some, this might mean getting more organized or increasing revenue. But there’s one potential resolution that could benefit small businesses in a variety of different areas.
New techn Read More
Black Friday has come and gone.
In fact, the first wave of traditionally major holiday shopping days are history already.
Early reports indicate that Black Friday wasn’t like it’s been in the past.
It’s still a big shopping day but a lot more shoppers are spending more time and money on Black Fr Read More
The last thing an online shopper wants to see when they finally receive their purchase is a fragile item that’s been crushed, cracked or otherwise damaged during the shipping process. It can really hurt the customer experience while also costing companies money to replace the broken items.
So just Read More
President-elect Donald Trump may be close to naming former World Wrestling Entertainment CEO Linda McMahon as the next administrator of the Small Business Administration.
McMahon met with Trump at his Manhattan Trump Tower office on Wednesday, Nov. 30. Read More

7 Questions Can Help You Succeed in the New Year

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Self-Development
From 2861 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on December 1, 2016 3:01 pm
t’s that time of year where we should take stock, review, tweak, change, enhance and re-commit. This should be an annual, serious activity for all small businesses.

As I look back to 2007, when I started my social media business, there has been an extraordinary transformation and evolution in o Read More
Drones and virtual reality are both growing trends in the tech sector. And now, the two concepts are combining in a new sport — drone racing.
Here’s how it works. Drone pilots use virtual reality headsets to fly drones around an obstacle course from a first person perspective. Drones fly in differ Read More

7 Tips for Promoting Your Business During This Holiday Season

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Marketing
From 2861 days ago
Made Hot by: MasterMinuteman on December 2, 2016 11:03 pm
Tis the season for Starbucks red cups, Coca Cola polar bears, the majestic Clydesdales, and more. The holidays are a marketer’s dream come true. If you play your cards right, Q4 can be incredibly profitable for you and your business. Read More

Is There a Series A Financing Crunch?

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Raising Capital
From 2861 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on December 3, 2016 2:28 pm
Since 2007, the number of high potential technology companies receiving seed or angel rounds of financing has increased dramatically, while the fraction of those businesses obtaining follow on financing has declined. Some observers have claimed that this pattern shows evidence of a Series A financi Read More
Over the past five years working in the digital marketing space, I have found that freelancers can’t seem to get enough work. I hear it all the time. They’re always looking for more and more work. This baffles my mind a bit because there is just so much work to be had. I think the true reason freel Read More

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