Lyceum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Several observers have claimed that crowdfunding — the use of an Internet-based platform to raise small amounts of money from many people for a project or business — will “democratize” startup investing, giving any entrepreneur anywhere in the world equal access to potential investors.
While that’ Read More
Depending on your taste, you’ve probably had some mighty good beers in your time.
But until now, you may not have had a beer that’s literally out of this world.
Now it’s time to leave the capsule, if you dare.
For those interested in trying a beer that’s quite literally been in space, there’s Gr Read More
There are many dangers that go along with being a firefighter. The obvious ones include burns, smoke inhalation and building collapses. But there are also some less obvious long-term dangers that go along with fighting fires year after year. Read More

Marijuana businesses offer opportunities but also risks

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Startups
From 3440 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on April 23, 2015 10:54 am
In emerging marijuana businesses both the opportunities and the risks are, pardon the pun, high. The same could be said for the industry’s startup potential.
And even though traditional banks are not getting behind the industry just yet, there are investors in the marijuana industry. But even if y Read More

10 Online Community Building Tips From Small Biz Pros

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Marketing
From 3440 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on April 26, 2015 1:15 am
Blending in-person and online networking and building active, engaged and loyal communities are key factors in today’s small business success.
We should have an online presence but we cannot hide behind our websites, blogs, or social media platforms. People want to know, like, and trust who they a Read More
Mexican drug cartels. Russian botnets. Chinese hackers.
It’s all in a day’s work for Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit.
The Digital Crimes Unit (DCU) is a unit within Microsoft where employees track cybercrime in real time. The DCU has an important goal: fight cybercrime.
To some this role may see Read More
How are your customers accessing your small business website? And more importantly, what does it look like when they do?
The simple fact is that mobile device usage is on the rise. Last year marked the first when mobile Internet traffic surpassed desktop traffic, and recent reports show that 60 pe Read More
Every small business — with dreams of growth and expansion — realizes technology enhances business productivity. Of course, not every small business can allocate funds to staff an IT department — or in some cases even have an IT professional on call.
For most small businesses, IT experts on site a Read More
Just about every small business owner can relate to problems surrounding growth.
Greg Head (pictured), Chief Marketing Officer for Infusionsoft, joins Anita Campbell, CEO of Small Business Trends for an exclusive one-on-one interview on the topic of systemizing a small business (or “systematizing Read More
Andertoons by Mark Anderson:

I normally run ideas past my wife before drawing them up, but this has been a crazy busy year for both of us and lately I don’t always get her opinion.
So after work one night I showed her the cartoons I’d done that day and she read this one.
She looks up at me, lo Read More

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