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Marz25 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Starting and running a small business requires many different skills, and one of the most important of these is financial skills. Knowing how to allocate and keep track of your business's financial resources can mean the difference between success and failure. If you want to increase your chances o Read More
Since you can almost do everything that you can at the office on your phone, you may want to consider these top awesome apps to keep your business running strong: Read More
Ideas and inspiration are essential ingredients of any recipe for success. I have like a hundred ideas in sixty seconds and sometimes it can be truly overwhelming. The good thing is that I get to see new perspectives and opportunities; the bad thing is I cannot use all my ideas even if I wanted to. Read More
If you want to start a business in 2012, then take heart because the economy is improving overall and new ideas are flourishing. Innovation is perhaps the saving grace of any new business, and fortunately it seems as though the ideas for well-demanded products and services are anything but dried up Read More
Earlier this month, the world lost Stephen Covey, thinker and influencer who gave us the most successful self help book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People” among other best sellers. The idea for this post came to me when I read of Stephen Covey’s death. If I had to give budding entreprene Read More
With the advent of social media use in both the public and business sphere, most business owners have begun to use some form of social media to attract consumers and market their brand. It seems simple enough, and many entrepreneurs just create a Facebook profile and a few Twitter accounts with an Read More
Are you someone who is trying to find out ways in which you can become a successful entrepreneur? If answered yes, did you deduce the factors or the characteristics that is needed to become one? Do you need an unusually high IQ? Read More
Ever looked at Kellogs, Lux, Coca Cola, Quaker Oats, Starbucks and wondered how these brands seem to be ageless? Well, building an ageless brand is certainly not an easy task and yes contrary to common belief brands do age and very often you need to revive them. Here are 6 tips to help you revive a Read More
For all those of you who thought setting up a business and building an empire was impossible or beyond your reach, this post will teach you how to build a business empire with your skills. Being someone who is interested in creative skills, I often use YouTube to learn stuff and that is where I cam Read More
If you're trying to find an employee for a vacant position at your company, you may feel frustrated by the process of screening all the applicants. Every company needs to make sure that its new hires have a legitimate employment history and the skills to get the job done, but the process can take a Read More

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