Marz25 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Potential business partners are all around us. They could be family or friends or likeminded people whom we can gel with. However, choosing a partner is the critical aspect of building a partnership. One has to consider many things. Here are 8 questions I think should help you figure out who is Read More
Twitter can be used by small businesses working on a tight budget to promote products and services while informing people about new developments Read More
In the business world today there are several outlets for advertising, both online and offline. Those who adapt to today's technology and consumer trends will be successful. Those who don’t will find it difficult to create impact now and in future. There are the obvious methods of advertising such Read More
Coming up with a good business idea is not all that difficult. The challenge lies in determining whether that idea is the right fit for you. There is no one size fits all rule here but just some pointers to help you figure out whether this idea you are toying with or committed to is the right thing Read More
Today I’m breaking away from my usual style of writing; I want to write something different yet related to doing business. I think movies are inspired by life and life inspires movies. The relationship works both ways. Books are inspired by life and sometimes books are turned in to movies.
Be Read More

How to Create Engagement from Scratch- 4 Tips for New Brands

Avatar Posted by marz25 under Strategy
From 4156 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on March 13, 2013 1:03 pm
Launching a new brand can be an exciting yet daunting task. Exciting because doing something new is always exciting and daunting because getting out there in a crowd is just that. From what I’ve seen so far there are indeed no short cuts to success. However, you can create and build engagement for Read More

11 Secrets to Pop up Retail Success

Avatar Posted by marz25 under Marketing
From 4164 days ago
Made Hot by: BizRock on March 6, 2013 6:33 pm
If you are a small business owner working on a tight budget and want to promote your offerings differently then pop up retail is the route to take. For reasons why you need to try pop ups click here to check out a detailed post on the topic. Having said that success with pop ups can be achieved onl Read More
there are a few social media networks that you may have heard of, but may not yet have joined because you don't think that they're right for your business or you don't think they're very influential, and as a result, you could be missing out on a lot of opportunities for your business. Here are thr Read More
Most entrepreneurs know they want to be independent, build a business that gives them the freedom to work as they want with flexibility in time and space. While they know they want to carve a niche for themselves they are not very clear about how to find a profitable niche. Indirom, a publishing st Read More
There are plenty of reasons to think it's a tough time for small businesses. The economy is still in dire straits, industries are more competitive than ever, and nobody has enough capital to make getting an idea off the ground a guarantee. That's where social media comes in to help your small busin Read More

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