Nickstamoulis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

When it comes to link building for SEO purposes it’s important to not have such a narrow focus. It’s a good strategy to develop a link building campaign that spans over a year time period with monthly activities built in and stick to it, however that doesn’t mean that those are the ONLY activities Read More
Just last week, Danny Sullivan over at Search Engine Land reported the latest Google algorithm update which targets ad heavy websites. As Google’s official blog post announcing the page layout algorithm says, the update affects “… sites where there is only a small amount of visible content above-th Read More
A strong SEO campaign can do a lot of things for your website and your online business. It can help increase your overall online presence, drive more targeted traffic to your website, improve your site’s visibility in the search engines, build your brand’s industry authority and much more. But ther Read More
Any discussion about search engine optimization will bring up the topic of content and how important it is for SEO. Novices think that this just pertains to the content on their website, but in order to execute a really good SEO strategy it’s about publishing content elsewhere on the web as well. A Read More
On-site optimization has become more important than ever to capitalize on changing user search behavior and the new search algorithm updates. Aged and established B2B sites that had never done any previous SEO have the luxury of a strong search engine trust factor, something that only time can brin Read More

What to Know about Google’s New Update

What to Know about Google’s New Update - Avatar Posted by nickstamoulis under Online Marketing
From 4542 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on January 26, 2012 4:15 pm
Last week Google announced another algorithm update, called the “page layout algorithm update”, which will target sites that have too many ads above the fold. Users find it frustrating when they click on a search result and then have a difficult time finding the actual content. Google wants to prov Read More
The three major components of an inbound marketing strategy are social media, SEO and content marketing. Many site owners are often worried that they will be overburdened with the amount of work and time it takes to run each of these three components, but it’s usually not as complicated as they thi Read More
Businesses that jump into social media without formulating a plan are setting themselves up to fail. There’s a lot to think about, and it shouldn’t be a “figure it out as we go” approach. Businesses need to decide what their social media strategy is going to look like. They need to decide which net Read More
Quick question—what’s the difference between running shoes, gym shoes and tennis shoes? Are the three terms relatively interchangeable or do they have very specific meanings to you? That right there is user intent. When an avid tennis player searches for “tennis shoes” they are expecting to find a Read More
Every website or business owner has a different idea of what their business blog should look like. When first starting out, they can go in with high expectations. They think that a business blog needs to meet specific standards and that posts should be a minimum of 1,000 words, thoroughly researche Read More

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