Nickstamoulis submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Any online marketing professional that knows what they are talking about will tout the benefits of business blogging. It’s a great way to establish your business as a thought leader in a particular industry, drive traffic to your website, and improve link building efforts for SEO. While it’s obviou Read More
Let’s assume you are entering your second or third year of SEO. You have a well-optimized site, a company blog that posts two new posts a week, a decent social media presence and a solid link portfolio. You might think that you can ride the success of your previous SEO efforts for a few months, or Read More
SEO and PPC serve different purposes. While they both help to improve a brand presence on a search engine results page, the nature of each strategy is very different. In PPC, you bid on keywords and pay a specific amount to the search engine every time the ad is clicked on. Once you start a PPC cam Read More
A common problem I see with many new website owners when they are beginning their keyword research is that they bite off more than they can chew. They are so eager to rank well for their chosen keywords that they forget that there are some things in SEO you just can’t force and website age is one o Read More
The purpose of a business blog is to engage website visitors and provide them with useful information that they will find beneficial. It’s the content of the blog posts that matters the most. It’s amazing the number of businesses that litter their blogs with too much “stuff”. A business blog should Read More
There are many different parts that make up a B2B SEO campaign. In order for the campaign to be successful, they all need to be implemented properly and be working together. Forgetting a step here or there can result in a campaign that misses the mark. Even the smallest mistake can hinder long term Read More
For small to mid-sized businesses that don’t have $10k to drop on PPC every month, there is still some search marketing value to be had from launching a PPC campaign, even if you can only spend a minimal amount. In my experience, organic SEO produces much more long-term results than PPC, but certai Read More
I came across this really interesting blog post on a few weeks ago that outlined a study done by the Journal of Medical Internet Research. The study, which took place over three years, attempted to determine the relationship between heavily tweeted articles and the amount of times t Read More
When it comes to social media there is no one size fits all kind of strategy for business. Social media has become a complex space in the last few years and there is plenty going on within it. The right way to use social media for business depends on lots of factors including the size of the busine Read More

It’s Impossible to Put a Timeline on SEO Success

It’s Impossible to Put a Timeline on SEO Success - Avatar Posted by nickstamoulis under Online Marketing
From 4541 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on January 30, 2012 5:53 pm
When a potential client is interested in getting started with an SEO campaign one of the first questions that they ask is, “how long will it take for this to work?” Unfortunately, it’s a question that’s nearly impossible to answer, especially since a successful SEO campaign looks different to diffe Read More

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