These stories submitted by Tcamba became hot on BizSugar

How Getting My MBA Helped Me Thrive as an Entrepreneur

Avatar Posted by tcamba under Strategy
From 3720 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on May 28, 2014 9:22 am
There is a tendency in the start-up community to be skeptical towards MBAs. In an industry that lauds performance metrics to constantly track progress, there’s something fluffy about a professional degree that is not a prerequisite for anything.
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I thought it was going to be the next big app. I was wrong. Should have picked Snapchat (which I didn’t see coming because I personally don’t need it very much). Read More

10 Facebook Ads You Should be Running Right Now

Avatar Posted by tcamba under Social Media
From 3720 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on May 26, 2014 6:07 am
The 10 essential ads you should run as part of your Facebook strategy to get Pages Likes, grow your email list, promote content and sell products Read More

13 Creative Customer Support Tactics That Really Work

Avatar Posted by tcamba under Customer Service
From 3720 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on May 26, 2014 5:56 am
When it comes to customer support, doing the little things can go a long way. But how do you keep it simple and cast a rippling effect?

To find out what really makes customers happy, we asked 13 entrepreneurs the following question: What is one creative customer support / service tactic that rec Read More
Facebook’s tSo what’s changed in 18 months? Well, Facebook closed Poke very recently, and last year was reported to have seen a $3 billion offer to buy Snapchat spurned. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, meanwhile, has grown obsessive about developing and/or buying about as many mobile apps as possible Read More

101 Secrets to Running a Successful Home-Based Business

Avatar Posted by tcamba under Strategy
From 3720 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on May 22, 2014 7:30 am
It’s a well-known fact that America’s small business owners are movers and shakers. They come up with innovative products and services; they employ about 50 percent of all private sector workers; and they persist even during tough economic times. But what might not be such a well-known fact is that Read More

The Best Online Resources for Digital Marketing

Avatar Posted by tcamba under Marketing
From 3721 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on May 20, 2014 11:58 pm
Digital marketing is a constantly evolving field, with industry standards and best practices progressing on a regular basis. Thankfully, free, top-notch online resources abound for digital marketers to keep tabs on the latest. Read More

How to Get Your Blog Post Shared 1000 Times

Avatar Posted by tcamba under Marketing
From 3726 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on May 19, 2014 8:53 am
Creating a great blog post is only half the battle. In a sea of content, you also need to get the word out there. That means being smart about the way you share your content online.
Read more at Read More

Facebook’s ‘New’ Newsfeed

Avatar Posted by tcamba under News
From 3728 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on May 14, 2014 11:49 pm
Yes, Facebook has updated its News Feed, again. Get used to people, Facebook appears to have plans to roll out several new updates to the feed, hoping to Read More

The Three Most Powerful Words in Marketing

Avatar Posted by tcamba under Marketing
From 3728 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on May 14, 2014 11:44 pm
“Humans simply aren’t moved to action by data dumps, dense PowerPoint slides or spreadsheets packed with figures. People are moved by emotion. The best way to emotionally connect other people to our agenda begins with ‘Once upon a time…’ Read More

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