These stories submitted by Dabrock will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Just opened an email.  It started with, I don't mean to interrupt you.......  I hope he did mean to interrupt me, isn't that the point?  Don't we want to Read More
Tis the season to be talking about the Death Of Sales. which I'll shamelessly exploit. As the year ends, I'm seeing a lot of blogs forecasting the death of sales. However, it seems that we've had the discussion, over and over and over..... Other than being great blog fodder, I sometimes wonder why Read More
As I was hanging up on a call with a new prospect today, the prospect said something that caught me off guard. He said, Dave, I want to thank you for calling me right on time. So few people do that, it's important to me and tells me a little about your professionalism. I really appreciate your resp Read More
A week ago, I wrote a post,'Me Too,' Is Not A Value Propsition! With this post you'll think that I've gone mad or am speaking out of both sides of my mouth. But actually this article and the Me Too article represent different stages our Value Propositions go through -- at least in B2B sales. Read More
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been mulling over ideas on Lean Selling----no not what you think.  Every sales organization I work with is lean—cutbacks have Read More
Who are we selling against?  It's a question I hear as I do deal reviews everyday.  I see variants of this in blog posts, LinkedIn questions, and other Read More
I've been having an off line discussion on competitiveness and agressiveness in selling.   In the discussion, terms like sales is a Blood Sport,  or sales Read More
Everyday, at least one copy of the following email arrives in my junk mail folder. It is never addressed to me, though my email address is widely available. It's always addressed to other employees in my company: Mr. Info@... or Ms. Contact_Me@... or Ms. Enroll@... never one addressed to dabrock@.. Read More
In April, OgilvyOne announced their World's Greatest Salesperson contest. I wrote a blog post, The World's Greatest Salesperson, that generated a huge amount of controversy, discussion, a number of blog posts on other sites. We were all in an uproar about OgilvyOne's position on characteristics of Read More
As a preface, at this time of the year, we all have a tendency to reflect a little. It's a chance to look back at the year and think a little about what has happened and to begin to establish plans to go forward. Over the past couple of days, I've been thinking about how privileged I am. Over the p Read More

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