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Social media is a driving force in marketing. Twitter is one of the top platforms for marketers. Not only does Twitter allow you to connect with your users directly, it also offers an easy way to share content, promote products, and interact with other businesses within your space. As helpful as Tw Read More
When a city doubles in size, the productivity per person increases by 15%. When a company doubles in size, the opposite happens.

Companies like Zappos see this as a fundamental problem to solve. For them, the root lies in organizational structure.
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Facebook is the holy grail of traffic for blogs.

Almost 80% of all referral traffic to the biggest websites in the world comes from Facebook and Google.

If you can figure out how to get your blog content spread and shared in Facebook and in social media, you stand to benefit from a significan Read More
According to a report by Locowise, a social analytics and reporting firm, the average reach of Facebook organic post is between 0.2 – 2.6 per cent!

This is may be why amid the extremely crowded Facebook newsfeed it has become increasingly challenging for brands to gain organic visibili Read More
Rather than people migrating from this social channel as was predicted, it now has 1.79 billion monthly users, which is up 16% from the same time last year. This is good and bad news for marketers. The bad news is there are more content and noise shared, which means it’s harder for organic content Read More
Twitter is one of the many social media platforms that allow businesses to market and advertise itself without the use of additional manpower or expensive resources. The concept around Twitter is that you tweet with a limited character count of 140 which forces you to think about your tweet.

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Instagram is a social media heavyweight with over three-hundred (300) million monthly users. It still enjoys annual double digit active user growth, and in 2013, grew more than Reddit, Pinterest and Twitter combined. Facebook – its parent company since April 2012, actually lost users in 2013. Read More
It’s the shocking truth about why hype marketing is ineffective! Find out how many exclamation marks we can fit into an introduction!
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Some companies feel that Instagram should not be a part of their marketing strategy. Find out what you could be missing out on. Read More
Pinterest is a pinboard style social photo sharing website that allows people to share and discover beautiful images, videos, products, and discussions. For an ecommerce store owner, it can help your best products get discovered by other users. Read More

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