These stories submitted by Joannw2016 will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Have you ever started to post something to Twitter and midway through thought, “Hmm, this might not be the best thing for the world to see?” Sometimes 140 characters or less can be 140 characters too many. Read More
Instagram is a fast growing social media platform, but how can you stand out from the crowd. This infographic looks at how some of the world’s biggest brands, such as Nike and Coca-Cola, get the most out of Instagram. Read More
15 Advanced Facebook Advertising Techniques You Probably Didn_t Know AboutFacebook advertising is just as powerful in 2017 as it’s ever ... Read More
How do I get Instagram followers? It’s a question we’ve all asked ourselves at one point or another. And with good reason, too! Getting more Instagram followers should be a top priority for any business that uses Instagram for marketing, but it’s not as easy as it once was. Read More
Increasing the Facebook engagement is the sole motto of every digital marketer. That one “like” or “share” has a lot of value in the eyes of a marketer. In fact, almost all activities in a Facebook page is done with the aim of increasing the engagement and traffic to website. But do you know that… Read More
The people who choose to follow you on LinkedIn should be considered 'warm' leads. Here's how to connect with them.  Read More
Twitter is becoming an increasingly important platform for online communication and, yes, conversation. TechCrunch reported that Twitter is receiving 8 million unique visitors per month and about 500 million messages are posted daily.

How can we use Twitter as a marketing tool? Read More
There are numerous steps on how to market your business on Instagram through hashtags, advertising and advanced metric to track followers. But this post is about the basic function of using this social media application. Taking good photos. Read More
Pinterest is a website where you can upload and organize images (pins) into grouped collections known as pinboards. Now, we will continue on that theme by showcasing more ways for you to enhance your brand and reputation with effective Pinterest marketing methods. Read More
In this post, you'll find out how you can improve your law practice in terms of efficiency, security, and productivity.
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