These stories submitted by Joannw2016 will be featured BizSugar's homepage

eMarketer found that social networks are almost reaching an advertising saturation point, with 88.2% of US companies using at least one major platform to reach their target customer.

There’s one social media platform whose number of active users has risen quickly and currently stands at 400 mill Read More
Pinterest isn't just another social media network. It has untapped potential that could really maximize your company's connection to customers and generate inbound leads-- if you do it right.

Newer features, like promoted pins and business accounts, have made it easier to reach your target audi Read More
LinkedIn isn’t just for job seekers anymore. But where do you and your business fit into the mix? As an entrepreneur, how do you get found and what are the best practices for updating your profile and communicating with other users? Can LinkedIn really help entrepreneurs find clients and get busine Read More
If you decide to use Twitter for business, befriend with hashtags because they are here to stay. And they should be a big part of your social media marketing.

Here are killer ideas for how to use hashtags on Twitter. I hope they will help you rock your social media world. Read More
Instagram is 6 years old this October and has over 400 million monthly active users. Social media is becoming ever more visual. 93% of the most engaged posts on Facebook include images (source). So why not use Instagram – the original image sharing social media? Read More
Fortunately, there are many communication and organization tools that will keep your team on track no matter where they work. Check out these powerful tools for managing a remote team. Read More
If your business is customer-focused, then Instagram must be part of your social media strategy. It can be an explosion for your business – you can connect with your audience, get ideas, get involved with influencers and other creatives that take your brand to the next level (both in sales and expo Read More
With about 400 million users and spread over 200 countries, LinkedIn is more than just a resume-displaying platform so utilizing LinkedIn marketing tips is eseential. In fact, it is an often overlooked but powerful marketing avenue for businesses, be it small, big, B2B, B2C, startup, or lifestyle. Read More
Because it’s image-based, the core of Pinterest is overwhelmingly positive. I like to think of Pinterest as Facebook without the whining.

Yes, Pinterest is beautiful. And yes, its users love it. But don’t let all the hearts and flowers fool you. Behind those lovely images, Pinterest is fast beco Read More
Pinterest is becoming a major source of traffic for those who implement Pinterest marketing into their overall online marketing strategy. Read More

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