These stories submitted by Joannw2016 will be featured BizSugar's homepage

One of the biggest challenges with any social media platform is getting your audience to engage with your content.

We all know the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. So, when you post a picture on Instagram, you should get tons of engagement, right? After all, it’s a platform that’ Read More
When it comes to helping you out with social media, we often like to categorize things. For example, we’d write about the optimal timing of your posts, or how to come up with the best headlines, and the like.

What happened over the last few weeks though is that we collected a number of awesome t Read More
No matter how wonderful your company’s product or service is, if you don’t advertise, nobody will know about it. The goal of any advertising program should be to cost-effectively reach the largest audience possible and attract new customers. If done correctly, advertising can be a wonderful investm Read More
I’ve noticed over the years that with smaller businesses, the most pressing marketing question on their mind is, "What should I be prioritizing?" And what that really translates to is budget limitations. What they are really saying is, "I have a tight budget. What should I do first?"

So that’s w Read More
Figuring out what to post on Facebook can be tough.

Over the years many experts have weighed in on what "works" on Facebook.

But remember that Facebook isn't a "One Size Fits All" platform. What works for your page may not work for mine. And vice versa. You need to test to see what gets the m Read More
There are so many different ways to market a business online these days. But luckily, you don’t need to try all of them in order to find out what works. Members of our small business community have already done some of the legwork for you. Here are some of their top tips for developing an effective Read More
Pinterest has slowly developed into a profitable social media channel for savvy marketers. It boasts an engaged base of more than 150 million monthly users and provides a refreshing alternative to Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

However, it still represents something of an untapped opportunity for Read More
There’s much more to marketing a small business than meets the eye. Setting yourself up for marketing success means focusing not only on lead nurturing and conversions, but also on behind-the-scenes details such as branding and building a strong team. Read More
The line between a beginner Twitter user and a seasoned pro is a fine one indeed.
The distinction changes daily—sometimes hourly—for me. One minute I feel like I’ve got this Twitter thing figured out and the next I find myself overwhelmed by how little I really know.
When I dove headfirst (or fee Read More
Retweeting popular and unique tweets is a great way to boost how your brand is perceived. If you are sharing content that people like, people will begin to follow you as their source of great content. It’s also a lot more ethical than claiming other people’s tweets – something that may actually dec Read More

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