These stories submitted by Tickto will be featured BizSugar's homepage

The Retailers now use this Mobile for delivering their Marketing messages. It has been found that the Mobile Marketing have a higher potential to attract and grab much more customer’s attention than any other mode of communication being used before. Read More
The customer's behavior, demands and choices are also changing each and every day. Now most of the customer coming to the shop has some pre gained ideas about a product or a Brand. They use their Smart Phones inside the shop to compare the product, compare the price of the product with that of the Read More
Beacon technology has made the shopping experience much more exciting than before. In-store retail and payment process or procedures are the two primary objectives that the Beacon Technology looks into. The Retailers transform flash messages, offers and discounts to the customers by this beacon tec Read More
Micro-Location Marketing is a marketing technique or strategy where the advertisement messages or the contents are being targeted to a small group of people, thus the messages are meant for a group of targeted consumers. Read More
Till a few years back there was a wide and clear distinction between the Retail Marketing and Digital Marketing system. The methods and techniques used by these two were not at all similar. However, in the recent years the situation has changed a lot. The invention of Proximity Marketing has… Read More
In-store Retail Analytics helps the Retailers by providing data about the Customer’s Behavior outside the shop. They provide data about where the customers are going, where the customers roam about, whether they are shopping alone or with friends. Read More
The main objective of Bluetooth proximity marketing is to reach the customers directly to market a product. Bluetooth proximity marketing helps in finding out the individual customers and targets him or her at the right time and at the right place. The retailers are thus highly benefited by this sy Read More
Now most of the customer coming to the shop has some pre gained ideas about a Product or a Brand. They use their Smart Phones inside the shop to compare the product, compare the price of the product with that of the other brands. Read More
The in-store heat map system takes the images being captured by the network cameras or the IP cameras which help the Retailers to have an idea about the customer’s traffic pattern in a particular time or during the real time. The information can be collected from anywhere in the network. Read More
Proximity marketing is helping the Retailers to keep a close watch to their in-store customers. This helps them to know about their customer’s behavior in a much clear way than earlier. Read More

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