These stories submitted by Tyoungbl will be featured BizSugar's homepage

“If I have seen farther than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.” — Sir Isaac Newton

Be humble and find a giant to stand on Read More
Back in January, I realized I was wrong about proposals. I don’t do them anymore. I admonish clients and colleagues when they talk about writing one. A Recommendation Summary, while extremely similar, is profoundly different. And it’s much more than semantics. As an outsider, I humbly submit my proposal for possible consideration by the all-powerful decision maker to whom I must defer. As an insider, I offload the tough task of preparing a set of recommendations to address a pressing issue from the harried, overworked customer executive and am appreciated as a high-value team member Read More
WARNING: If you hold one of more of the following opinions, reading this post will be a waste of your time:

1) I can’t keep up with all my e-mail as it is, so I am NOT going to set up an RSS Reader that will only flood me with more stuff I don’t have time to read

2)Blogs, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media tools are not useful B2B sales tools

3) I’d start a blog, but I can’t think of anything to write about Read More
This is a story about what one of my client CEOs just did that turned into a big time home run. Talk about customer focus Read More

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