AmyJordan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Recently authors started to use the hashtag #nonwriterssay on Twitter to vent frustration at how others see their occupation. However, some of what was said could have been misread. Here are the reasons why the authors should have considered the hashtags use! Read More
Do you know the difference between defamation, slander and libel – from a legal perspective? In the digital age, untruths and malicious statements spread, from social media to false reviews, all in the name of 'free speech'. Here's what you can do to protect the online reputation of your business. Read More
You can improve interview performance by solid preparation for it and by gaining an understanding of the interviewer’s needs Read More

5 SMART Goals For Business Development

Avatar Posted by JohnMBeveridge under Sales
From 3462 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on April 12, 2015 3:33 am
The term "business development" means different things to different people. For purposes of this article, I will use Scott Pollack's definition of business development from his article in Forbes: Business development is the creation of long-term value for an organization from customers, markets, an Read More
You need tools to help executing your BPM plans. Comindware Process, cloud-based BPM software, can help you in doing so efficiently and effectively. Read More
Starting with your training staff itself that is most likely to comprise your human resource department and operations staff.
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Do Millennials, Generation X-ers and Boomers approach corporate volunteerism in different ways?

Considering the generational differences around other areas of the workplace... Read More
Save your site against ISIS terror attack, FBI Issues PSA: ISIL Defacements Exploiting WordPress Vulnerabilities - eAskme Read More
The success of your crowdfunding campaign is partly due to your ability to market it over the web. The selection of those channels through which you search for and attract your investors should also be given due consideration. If your product or service deals with real estate, for example, you need Read More
Need a basic incorporation checklist for your startup or new business? We have you covered!

Get advice on how to ensure your desired business name is available, and view others steps to incorporate your business properly. Read More

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