AmyJordan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Too many salespeople spend too little time selling and too much time doing stuff that either needs not be done or should be done by others. So let’s not make the problem worse by spending the sales time available pursuing bad business. Read More
It's almost 2015 and CEOs are getting the message: sociability matters. According to new research from DOMO and CEO, more business leaders than ever are using social media to build their companies' brands. Here's what you need to know about what Fortune 500 CEOs are doing to shape their social pres Read More
For the last 90 days I have been using and reviewing a new startup, SoHelpful, which aims to help you find your first 100 customers through helpful marketing.

In this tutorial, you will learn

What is SoHelpful?
How do I set up SoHelpful?
What results can I expect from SoHelpful? Read More
ust because this year’s Pro Bono Week is behind us doesn’t mean that corporate volunteer leaders should shift their attention from pro bono service. Indeed, this form of employee volunteering has become so effective and popular that, for the first time, a ... Read More
By the end of 2014, there will be 30,000 active beacons in the U.S. With an increasing number of shoppers using their smartphones in-store to compare and get the best deal, retailers are turning to beacons to blend mobile and in-store shopping and create an experience that delights... Read More
Having a clear, concise value proposition for real estate professionals is crucial as it is a very competitive landscape. In this post, I share how to develop a great value proposition.
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Owing to my promise on FTB anniversary, where I mentioned four blogger’s that were going to be featured on my blog, to throw more light on blogging. Here is the first visit, in the how to build your blog interview series.
Today we have a geek in the house, a like minded personality, a blogger and Read More
Have you heard of people flirting online on the social media? It's one of the new ways of infidelity, called social media cheating, which is becoming common on the social networking sites like Facebook. Such casual or serious online affairs even break relationships and become the cause of divorce. Read More
Have you heard of people flirting online on the social media? It's one of the new ways of infidelity, called social media cheating, which is becoming common on the social networking sites like Facebook. Such casual or serious online affairs even break relationships and become the cause of divorce. Read More
Blindness is not the end of it. Max is a successful blind blogger and coach. Check this post out to know how he is doing Read More

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