GotFreeBusinessCards2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

2019 Will Be The Year Of…

Avatar Posted by centralpawebster under Social Media
From 2092 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on January 9, 2019 11:52 am
The one trend you can always count on resurfacing year after year is that businesses must—to some degree—adjust their social media approach to gain broader awareness and increase engagement with customers. Read More
Some investors seem to focus wholly on the strengths of the management team, or a sustainable competitive advantage, and in reality these are the core attributes for every funding equation. While these may be necessary for funding, they may not be sufficient to make your startup the great success e Read More

Consider These Resolutions and Expert Tips for 2019

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Management
From 2093 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on January 11, 2019 2:41 pm
It’s important to always have goals for your business. And the new year is a perfect time to set some resolutions or achievements you’d like to make going forward. Whether you’re looking to start over or grow an existing business, here are some goals you might consider for 2019, along with tips fro Read More
A staggering 81% of company data breaches are due to poor passwords. The good news is that by taking some simple but effective precautions in relation to passwords, businesses can help protect themselves from the havoc and damage data breaches can cause. Read More
Are you one of those entrepreueners who want to a make difference? Do you possess both business acumen and compassion? Are you keen to utilize your business brain to make a positive difference? Are you looking for ways you can help others? If so, here are some inspirational ideas you may wish to ex Read More

My 3 Words for 2019 [podcast]

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From 2097 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on January 4, 2019 1:53 pm
My three words for this year are:

- Walk

- Talk

- Gather

I will talk more about my words during the year. You could listen to the 8th episode of Presentation (Skills) in Plain English podcast regarding my process of picking these words. The episode will be published on January 11. F Read More

21 of the Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs

Avatar Posted by rradice under Marketing
From 2098 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on January 3, 2019 8:11 am
Looking for the best business books for entrepreneurs? Here's 21 ideas! Your must-read list of top business books for owners & entrepreneurs. Read More

Top 19 Blogs To Follow In 2019

Avatar Posted by mallton under Online Marketing
From 2098 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on January 3, 2019 8:32 am
As we roll into 2019, I thought it would be helpful for new & aspiring bloggers to have a current list of fabulous bloggers and writers to follow. These amazing humans are providing incredibly insightful and valuable information through their content, and are clearly poised to do even more in the n Read More
It seems like it was just yesterday that cyber attacks were rarely in the headlines and only involved 'obvious' targets. Today, anybody can become a victim, with hundreds of millions of private records having been compromised in the past year alone through data breaches and vulnerabilities.

The Read More

What is a Facebook Watch Party

Avatar Posted by Ileane under Social Media
From 2099 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on January 2, 2019 10:08 am
Host a watch party with any public Facebook video (live or pre-recorded) and queue them up to watch with your friends and fans. Get your Facebook fans back and get more attention and love for your old videos that are sitting at the bottom of your page feed. Watch party notifications are reaching fa Read More

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