Heather_Stone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

D&B were proud to sponsor IDM’s premier B2B Marketing conference with its theme ‘Engage Me - The B2B Customer Journey’.
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New entrepreneurs often seem to confuse viability with fundability. Certainly a non-viable business should be not fundable, but many viable businesses are also not fundable. Thus when an investor declines your funding request, you need to curb your anger and understand the real reason for this outc Read More
Want to improve your home business visibility? The “Be Everywhere” Bundle, the most recent Only72 sale, might be just the thing. Read More

7 Traits Professional Bloggers Must Have

Avatar Posted by JohnPaul under Marketing
From http://www.johnpaulaguiar.com 4084 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on July 6, 2013 2:45 pm
Professional Bloggers Must Have Traits You have a great idea for a new blog. So you get yourself a domain name, a theme and you put it all together. Fast forward a few months, you have been writing content consistently and promoting that content pretty well Read More

Branding Communities: The Consumer

Avatar Posted by TejiriO under Social Media
From http://www.feastinteractive.com 4084 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on July 4, 2013 12:22 am
When analyzing branding communities we hear a lot of analysis focusing on the brand. This post examines the consumer’s motivations to follow brands on different social media platforms and their expectations when they join these branding communities. Read More

Interview with SEM Expert Carrie Hill

Avatar Posted by nickstamoulis under Online Marketing
From http://www.brickmarketing.com 4084 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on July 6, 2013 2:49 pm
Recently I had the chance to interview SEM expert Carrie Hill. Carrie is the Co-Founder of IgnitorDigital.com and is a regular columnist for multiple leading SEO industry sites including Search Engine Land and Search Engine Watch. Carrie is also a popular speaker at SMX and Pubcon shows ... Read More
One of the biggest obstacles to long term SEO success is the fact that many site owners don’t set realistic SEO goals and expectations for their program. When you treat SEO like a marketing tactic as opposed to a long term investment you might be expecting to see results typical of an online ... Read More

B2B Marketing Using Instagram

Avatar Posted by BuyerZone under Marketing
From http://www.buyerzone.com 4084 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on July 8, 2013 4:58 am
So, you’ve probably heard of Instagram: the techy hipster photo sharing-app that made Flickr extinct. The photo-taking and sharing application that allows users to add digital filters and share them on Instagram and other social networks is a big deal these days.

At first glance, you wouldn’t th Read More

Tell Google What Your Site is About

Avatar Posted by nickstamoulis under Public Relations
From http://www.brickmarketing.com 4084 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on July 5, 2013 2:18 pm
Even though the Google algorithm is extremely complex and the search engine giant continues to make new strides every day to produce results that users are going to be happy with we have to continue to keep one thing in mind- it’s search spiders (robots) that are doing a majority of the work. Read More

The Secret to Work-Life Balance

Avatar Posted by Maria Haubrich under Management
From http://www.smallbizdaily.com 4084 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on July 8, 2013 4:02 am
Life as a business owner—not to mention parent and spouse—is chaotic. How can one do it all? You must learn when to say “no.” Read More

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