HollyHanna voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The holidays are a wild time of year for every working individual, but especially for the work-at-home-woman. What’s an office by day may very well have to host a New Years Eve party by night. With all this intermingling of professional and personal life during the holiday season, it can be hard to Read More
Most of us didn’t start our business so we could do marketing all day. We started our business because we knew we could help people in one way or another.
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Cooking has been a passion of mine ever since I was a young child. I actually started cooking with my grandmother at the age of 4, and continued practicing and experimenting throughout my life. My husband used to joke that my TV only had 2 channels – Food Network and the Cooking Channel. I have to Read More
Today we’ll be talking with Dr. Heather Rothbauer-Wanish and Day Merrill to see what they have to say about working from home as resume writers.
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It boils down to this: There are other people out there who will offer very low rates. As much as we’d like to comfort ourselves with assurances that these low-ball fees result in incompetent, late work, that may not be the case.
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Overwhelmed by the onslaught of apps that promise to make your life more productive? You’ll learn to organize your emails, take control of your finances, streamline your grocery shopping and never miss a to-do again. But getting yourself to use the apps as intended is where you fall short. They’ll Read More
As hard as it is for all of us to believe, the Holiday season is well underway. In fact, when this article is published, it will be the first day of Hanukah and about 9 days until Christmas. As if the pressure of those facts is not enough, please let me remind you that you have about 5 days left to Read More
As freelancers we might be on first name basis with the local coffee shop owner, or that ‘guy’ that gives you the WiFi password – but we don’t have that sense of camaraderie. That’s why I feel that is important to find your ‘peeps’ within the freelance industry, even if they are on the other side o Read More
I came up with a list of possibilities. When I found that people were searching for Christmas sweaters I dug deeper and found they were looking for ‘ugly christmas sweaters’ and then ‘ugly christmas sweater parties’. I had never heard of these themed parties, so I read about them (via Google) and l Read More
Having a few prepared voicemail scripts for those times when you need to leave a message will increase the possibility that the prospect will surprise you and call you back.
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