JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Content marketing has more than its share of challenges ... and a new network called Pheed could be the answer to more than one of them. Read More
When social media first started gaining momentum as an outlet to promote a business, the first companies that found success were the B2Cs. It makes sense if you think about it. Read More
Yes after about 2 years and a bit, last night our own Hamilton RIC (Regional Innovation Centre), our Innovation Factory opened up it’s brand new premises at McMaster’s Innovation Park and boy what a great party it was!

Filled up with local and GHTA and regional “movers & shakers” the reception w Read More
Thought it might be time to talk about the simple fact that, for the most part, when we SEO practitioners get a “lead” it generally is not worth much effort when it comes to closing same.

Huh – you think? Is this guy for real? Any lead should be followed, nurtured and then you go for the close…t Read More
Let me introduce you to the most awesome marketing post online...
All marketers are liars... Oooops - story tellers.

Successful marketers tell stories, losers tell lies.
read more Read More
Another Friday, and it’s been one hell of a week…we’ve been in client meetings for days, delivered our Online Marketing Workshop to some of our Innovation Factory’s top startups just yesterday and today it’s infographic recap time….at least this am it is! Then on to more development of our new WebS Read More
Information about Black hat social media tactics, what they involve and what can you expect from them. Read More
Been thinking on this quite a bit lately, especially as I get to “peek under” the hood at many new startups and their technology solutions to combat what they see as a “hole in the marketplace.” What I mean by that is that when a new startup begins to do their pitch to a room full of angels or VCs Read More

5 Types of Conference Speaking Opportunities & How to Prepare

Avatar Posted by prussakov under Marketing
From http://smallbiztrends.com 4255 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on January 26, 2013 9:35 am
I have been able to try myself in each of these five capacities, I have decided to look back and analyze the lessons I've learned from being placed into each of these different roles: (1) solo presenter, (2) co-presenter, (3) panelist, (4) panel moderator, (5) expert discussion leader. Read More
When the last recession tossed 1000's of people out of work, some of them were pushed, not pulled, in a new direction: Their own business.

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