JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are plenty of SEO providers out there to choose from. There are some good ones, and some not so good ones. Unfortunately it’s the not so good ones that give the industry a bad reputation. Read More
In reality, so-called “founder’s” shares are simply common stock, issued at the time of startup incorporation, for a very low price, and normally allocated to the multiple initial players commensurate with their investment or role. But that’s only the beginning of the story. Read More
It was my extreme pleasure last evening to have been invited to sit on a Panel of #HamOnt local startup entrepreneurs at an event held by Fullerton Media and a great set of Sponsors to follow the first screening of that great entrepreneurs movie “The Startup Kids!” And what a great event it was to Read More

Make Content Creation a Top Priority

Avatar Posted by nickstamoulis under Online Marketing
From http://www.brickmarketing.com 4263 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on January 21, 2013 1:39 pm
If you want to grow your business it’s necessary to have an online marketing presence today. If you want to succeed in online marketing it’s necessary to create quality content on a regular basis. Content is really at the foundation of an online marketing strategy. Read More
Back in August 2011 I came across this post on Copyblogger about digital sharecropping and it has stuck with me ever since. In a nutshell, digital sharecropping means you create content but then publish it on a site you have no control over, such as Facebook. Read More

How to Add Media to your Linkedin Profile

Avatar Posted by jacobkcurtis under Social Media
From http://www.jacobcurtis.co 4263 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on January 23, 2013 7:25 am
This tutorial will cover how to add media to your Linkedin Profile including video, images, documents, presentations, and even your resume! Stand out from the rest and get on this! Read More
Well, I suppose that the first thing is to know the term “long tail” and what that means for us SEO types – as well as SMB owners all over the globe! So…what is a “long tail?”

Simply put, it’s a term that we Canadian SEO types use to describe a search engine tactical response area – and here’s h Read More
We found that using action words at the front of the page title reduced the bounce rates in some cases by as much as 50%. Read More
Very interesting blog post by Ramsay how he sold a Blog for $20.000 in only 8 months.Its a full story that any blogger should read. Read More
I think that guest blogging is awesome, it not only gives you the opportunity to share your point of view about a certain topic with more and more people, but also, it helps your website to gain its way into the top ten rankings of the search engines. Read More

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