JanetG voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How you pay your insurance can mean dollars in your pocket. When you are quoted a rate on your insurance, no matter if it is personal or commercial, that rate will often not include "Payment Fees." Read More

The Top 10 Franchise Websites

The Top 10 Franchise Websites - http://www.thefranchisekingblog.com Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From http://www.thefranchisekingblog.com 4970 days ago
Made Hot by: profit613 on December 6, 2010 9:36 am
There's certainly no shortage of franchise business opportunity websites. Some are really, really, good, and some are pretty average, looking more like advertisements for Google, than a place to shop for the best franchise opportunities. Here's the 10 best! Read More

The Content Is King Myth

The Content Is King Myth  - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From http://bloggertone.com 4970 days ago
Made Hot by: DebMark on December 5, 2010 3:01 am
Content is King! You’ve heard it so many times. Indeed, when you hear this phrase from experts week, week out, it’s hard to believe that it could not be true. Could it? Read More
HELP! Social Media Marketing isn't working for my small business! If Social Media Marketing isn't working, then you're doing something wrong. Find out what. Read More
Content RulesEveryone’s talking about content these days and like it not you’ve got to get in the publishing game. (Content Rules – great book on the subject just out.) Read More
Have you ever had one of those days or weeks where nothing goes as you originally planned? Well, if you have, you are not alone.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the average person spends over 150 hours per year just looking for information. The Esselte company conducted a study of over 2, Read More
Article spinning has become increasingly prevalent over the last couple of years. Bad enough that it has existed for quite some time! Read More
A brief explanation of three ideas that I would like to see turn into startups in the coming months. Feel free to take one and run with it if you like it. Read More
More "Doing Nothing" is Not Going to Improve Your Lifestyle

There will never be a "perfect" time for your startup. But starting today is better than starting tomorrow.

The #1 mistake you can make is to keep waiting to start your Internet business. You need to get your ideas "out of your hea Read More

Social Media Myth Busters

Social Media Myth Busters - http://www.globalcopywriting.com Avatar Posted by globalcopywrite under Social Media
From http://www.globalcopywriting.com 4985 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on November 19, 2010 4:36 pm
You’ve heard the myths, right? Social media is a panacea for business owners, especially small business owners. Hop over to Twitter, find a few friends on Facebook and link your network with LinkedIn and, pretty soon, you can sit back and watch the cash roll in. All you have to do is set up a few p Read More

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