JanetG voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The mobile phone. There is no escape. Virtually non-existent 10 years ago. Now everyone you know has one... and they are not afraid to use it. Have you considered the implications for your business? Read More
When I follow someone on Twitter or connect via LinkedIn, this is merely the start of our relationship, it is not the end! I like to think of it as a reflection perhaps of when I shake someone’s hand for the first time. To establish a relationship of course I will need to do much more.

Relations Read More
Yahoo! UK and Ireland Directory will be closed down and will merge with Yahoo! US Directory on 18th of November 2010. Read More
Every entrepreneur must pass through at least one from a series of transitional periods; from employee caterpillar into the entrepreneurial butterfly. I have have compiled a list of transitional periods that are key to having a successful business. Read More

Blogging Tools That Successful Bloggers Use Daily

Blogging Tools That Successful Bloggers Use Daily  - http://www.johnpaulaguiar.com Avatar Posted by JohnPaul under Marketing
From http://www.johnpaulaguiar.com 5010 days ago
Made Hot by: profit613 on October 25, 2010 6:30 am
Blogging Tools That Help You Succeed - Doesn’t matter what you need to get done on your blog, there is more than one tool to help you do it. Read More
Twitter is an interesting monster. Everyone focuses on the 140 characters. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, My life doesn't fit in 140 characters. Read More
Small business owners are often overshadowed by the big wigs in business. It's not the size that matters though because once upon a time, those big companies just started out the same way, small scale. Read More
Understand this. You are NOT destined to be both. You will either be an employee or an entrepreneur for the rest of your life. You cannot live in both worlds. Read More
I know this might look like a very generic post for an experienced blogger, but some people still don't know how to add a favicon to their website. Don't worry if you don't have a favicon, is not the end of the world. Read More
This week's Weekly Round Up is packed full of articles on Startups, SEO and Marketing. Check it out, you can't afford to miss it! Read More

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