JanetG voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Startups and entrepreneurs need to be realists. You need to accept the fact that the down economy over the last couple of years has changed the way in which venture capitalists see the world, so you should adjust your strategy and expectations in dealing with them.

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Interview with Lewis Howes, THE authority on LinkedIn, on how he got started, what he learned about self-publishing a book, how he markets and promotes himself, and more. Read More
Everyone loves a good customer review, but what happens when the online reviews are unfavorable, negative or even make claims that are downright false?

Here are some tips for managing your online reputation and understanding your options and tactics for handling a “bad” online customer Read More
How can SME’s maximise their chances of closing deals with potential business angel investors? One option rarely discussed is to improve their negotiating skills. Read More

New Twitter for Twitter Newbies

New Twitter for Twitter Newbies  - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Social Media
From http://bloggertone.com 5009 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on October 20, 2010 3:33 pm
There is a new design for the Web based Twitter being rolled out over the next weeks. For people coming to Twitter for the first time it can be a bit daunting... Read More
In recent news, a final ruling had been released regarding the implementation of the Women’s Procurement Program. The goal of said program is for women-owned businesses to obtain federal contracts. The passing of this legislation would undoubtedly bring about improvements in the previously underrep Read More
Good content is worthless if no one reads it. Good design can encourage someone to read a document they wouldn’t normally consider. A social media strategy can help turn your marketing expense into an asset for your company. Read More

Small Business PR Lessons From Chilean Miners

Small Business PR Lessons From Chilean Miners  - http://www.understandingmarketing.com Avatar Posted by jsternal under Public Relations
From http://www.understandingmarketing.com 5009 days ago
Made Hot by: shepherd on October 25, 2010 7:55 am
The 33 Chilean Miners prepared themselves by getting a dose of media training before their surface so they’d be prepared for the onslaught of news cameras and journalists who would track down their every move in the weeks following their rescue Read More
Couldn’t a said it any better than a Forrester Research exec herownself, eh!

“In a perfect world, it’s both and everything in between. In the real world the general marketing rule is that retention is a lot more cost effective than acquisition…”

Now that’s spot-on, eh and to be the prologue t Read More
Now that the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010 has become law, entrepreneurs and small business owners may have better luck getting loans. However, if they want luck on their side, they need to lay the proper groundwork. Read full article to for valuable tips and great resources. Read More

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