Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How to Take Your Best Working Vacation

Avatar Posted by joannw2016 under Self-Development
From 2874 days ago
Made Hot by: kahlua16 on November 10, 2016 3:31 am
While those lucky enough to take a long vacation busy themselves with preparations, the rest of us look on enviously.

Grudgingly, we accept that often there simply isn’t the possibility to take a chunk of time to go off to a far-flung destination.

Projects need work. Deadlines need to be hit. Read More

50 Online Business Ideas

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Startups
From 2874 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on November 11, 2016 8:54 am
These days, one of the main tools you need to start a business is an internet connection. There are so many different opportunities out there to start businesses online. And in some cases, you don’t even need much more than that connection in order to get your business going. Here are 50 online bus Read More
Something that creates a massive boost when it comes to worker satisfaction is a feeling of a community. It’s a feeling of having friends in the workplace, of being part of something. Working with the right people can really make or break any given job. But, does community boost productivity? Read More
Business branding greatly impacts how customers perceive you and your products'/services’ quality. Your company’s website is their first impression so you want to make it stand out. Read More
You've designed and built a high-quality iOS app, and now it's been accepted into the App Store. The question now becomes: How do you help people to find it? We’ll explore three strategies in this article.
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The Revolution of Standard Procedures for Small Businesses

Avatar Posted by Liz_062 under Strategy
From 2875 days ago
Made Hot by: joannw2016 on November 9, 2016 9:12 am
Standard Procedures used to be firmly planted in the realm of corporations.

They were (and often still are) thick manuscripts of dense checklists and instructional material. Point 1.1 referring to point and on and on.
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What is Quality Control? An Introduction for Software Companies

Avatar Posted by shatekpatrick under Technology
From 2875 days ago
Made Hot by: ferdiepre13 on November 9, 2016 10:15 am
For software companies, failure doesn’t always have such wide implications but it can mean carelessly shipping a product that creates catastrophic problems for your customers and destroys their trust in you. And of course, it’s a pain in the arse for your development team to fix. Read More

5 Explosive Mobile Growth Strategies For SMEs

Avatar Posted by Webpresence under Online Marketing
From 2875 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on November 10, 2016 10:28 am
With more webpages now being viewed on mobile devices than on desktop, SMEs can catapult their growth potential by investing in these 5 mobile strategies. Read More
Submitting your app to the app store is one of the most important phases after app development. Here's a step-by-step guide to submit an app to Apple App Store.
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8 Productivity Tips For Entrepreneurs Who Want To Be Successful

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Self-Development
From 2875 days ago
Made Hot by: uttoransen on November 11, 2016 10:17 am
Try to be as productive as possible during the finite number of hours per week that are available for these important, goal-oriented endeavors. To help you out, here are 8 productivity tips that will help you hustle and achieve success as an entrepreneur faster and easier. Read More

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