Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Small business expert, Michael E. Gerber, lets us in on the business systems he’s used to grow his consultancy (and hundreds of thousands of other companies). These are time-tested systems he’s honed over a period of 30 years. From The E-Myth’s first publication in 1987 to the present day, he’s wri Read More

7 Startup Pitfalls Can Kill Your Business Growth

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2956 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on August 23, 2016 6:29 am
In my role as an advisory board member for several startups, I’m always excited to see that initial surge of revenue from a great rollout campaign. Unfortunately, many passionate entrepreneurs read this initial surge as success, and charge ahead with more of the same passion, leading to a series of Read More
We’ve all been baited into those lists of recycled tips where the author lists 10,000 excruciating content creation tips, all of which you’ve heard over and over again.
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Imagine this: “We’re in the difficult situation of having a product people use for traditionally dull stuff. We have a boring product.” Sure, as a brand, you think it’s exciting because you know what it can do. But when you think about software that could be used for HR and Operations teams or a ma Read More
There’s so much to read, it can often be overwhelming to know exactly where to start. Not to mention when you’re busy running a company. That’s why we asked 13 entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) the following question: What business book should be on every founder’s summer reading Read More
In this episode of Business Systems Explored, Steli Efti reveals the B2B sales systems behind some of the fastest growing software companies in silicon valley. Read More
Screencasts are true powerhouses in team communication; they allow us here at Process Street to convey everything in a concise manner with both visual and audial cues, whilst giving the viewer a resource that they can run through as many times as they want. Read More
When you work in an office with a small team, it’s easy to cultivate a culture of co-dependence. After all, the email, the document, or the customer name that you need is just a shoulder tap away.
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10 Basic Strategies for Growing Your Business

Avatar Posted by Liz_062 under Strategy
From 2958 days ago
Made Hot by: trivedirock91 on August 18, 2016 5:39 pm
It’s not uncommon for businesses to get a bit ahead of themselves when it comes to growth opportunities. But you need to have the basics covered before you can really experience success. The tips below include some insights from members of our small business community about some basic business stra Read More
Time is money, and when you’re on a limited scale (such as being the owner of an upcoming startup) every saving second and cent helps. As such, it makes sense to look into hiring a remote worker rather than an in-office one; maybe your office is full and you can’t afford to expand the location to m Read More

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