MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Mindfulness is often praised as an incredible tool for personal efficiency, but can it also improve your leadership? Matt Tenney and Dr. Tim Gard believe it can. In their book, “The Mindfulness Edge: How to Rewire Your Brain for Leadership and Personal Excellence Without Adding to Your Schedule,” T Read More
Creativity is a concept we often come across in our everyday conversations.

We hear of creative people, admire creative objects of art or read creative books. One of the most important traits of a leader, creativity, is essentially the ability to think of a radical new solution to the problems t Read More
So much of having a successful business isn’t even about your products or services in and of themselves—it’s about the relationship and rapport you’re able to build around your business and with your customers. If your customers don’t feel like they like or can trust your business, they’re unlikely Read More
So much of having a successful business isn’t even about your products or services in and of themselves—it’s about the relationship and rapport you’re able to build around your business and with your customers. If your customers don’t feel like they like or can trust your business, they’re unlikely Read More

Too Many Bells and Whistles Will Not Sell a Product

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3085 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on April 9, 2016 8:39 pm
Technical entrepreneurs love to compare the number of features in their product to competitors, and they love to keep adding features -- just because they can. Unfortunately, this approach often turns off mainstream customers, who find the result hard to use. Even worse, this “feature creep” often Read More
Just how many smartphones are there and how much time do we spend on our phones? 1st aerials used data gathered by Deloitte, Statista, Ofcom and Ericsson to visually represent the data and create an infographic. Read More
What's your plan to get an appointment with a potential client?

For most sales reps, its “I just keep calling”

The part they’re leaving off, is that they just keep calling, with the same message.

I’m sure this won’t be news to you, but you’re allowed to change up both your message and the Read More
Dropshipping has a very specific use case, and its own online communities, guides, and books. Some people become dropshipping experts, and for many, dropshipping isn’t just a business model—it’s a lifestyle choice.
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With an array of content mediums to choose from, which ones will work best for you and your business? In this week’s edition of Rewind, Amy Harrison answers your content marketing questions on the most recent episode of Hit Publish. Read More

How much does SEO cost?

Avatar Posted by uttoransen under Online Marketing
From 3087 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on April 12, 2016 12:14 pm
Over the years, I have had this question so many times: "How much should I budget for SEO?" And that is a very difficult question to answer.

It helps to understand that SEO is not science; it is sport. Read More

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