Marketing_Mashup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Every ecommerce store owner needs to be able to accept payments online in order to make money. And the majority of people use credit cards to pay for their goods.

In today's article, I discuss some of the most economical ways to accept credit cards for your online store including Paypal's late Read More
But here’s the thing: you can reclaim those hours – while still maintaining your profitability. In fact, you will likely improve it. How? By outsourcing tasks that you don’t need to do. You will not only get that time back but also be able to focus on the aspects of the business that you do best. Read More
Credit Awareness: Taking the Necessary Precautions to Prevent Late Payment There is nothing more annoying than when a customer misses their payment date. You’re left in the position to track them... Read More

5 things every home based business startup needs

5 things every home based business startup needs  - Avatar Posted by dodge28 under Startups
From 4352 days ago
Made Hot by: Squawk Media on August 9, 2012 6:25 am
"Thinking of starting an online home based business?" There are five important things you must have in order to take a startup idea and turn it into a home based business that generates money online.

This article will list the most important things you need to start a business online, and provid Read More

Summation Posts - How Are They Done and Why?

Summation Posts - How Are They Done and Why? - Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Social Media
From 4353 days ago
Made Hot by: Big Business Boogaloo on August 8, 2012 2:49 am
I recently wrote a post about writing blogs and mentioned using summation posts as they were simple to do and help to grow your network. This post explains how to do Summations posts easily. Read More
Ever considered buying a franchise and starting a business? Get no-nonsense franchise advice from The Franchise King (recently profiled in Entrepreneur Magazine), Joel Libava, in this 50-minute audio interview. Read More
As the CEO and founder of,  Anita Campbell will now take us on a 10 year journey of her life as an entrepreneur. Read More
Every budding entrepreneur wants to know how to start a business on a budget. It practically comes with the territory. Much of the time, people are trying to bootstrap their way into an alternative income stream or at least make a little money on the side. Here are some of my top tips for doing so. Read More

Success without Motherhood: Women in Leadership

Success without Motherhood: Women in Leadership - Avatar Posted by drewes17 under Self-Development
From 4356 days ago
Made Hot by: JimmyJams on August 5, 2012 4:35 am
My perspective on the CEO-mom phenomenon and how American women are still "expected" to have children--even in a leadership role. Oftentimes I have found that motherhood is used as a means to validate success. This double-standard is unnecessary in 2012. Read More

Business Inspiration from a Cafe in Spain

Business Inspiration from a Cafe in Spain - Avatar Posted by stephanieward under Marketing
From 4357 days ago
Made Hot by: crystalx72 on August 5, 2012 4:39 am
This led me to think about their business model and how smart it is to have a ‘signature’ product, one offer that is extremely appealing and easy to say yes to. One product that you promote more than anything else.

You’ve probably heard that if you give people too many choices they get overwhelm Read More

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