ObjectOriented voted on the following stories on BizSugar

What’s with all the hype surrounding social media?

(And, maybe the real question is … Can you make money because of all this hype?)

It’s as if every company on the planet has become distracted from the serious business of marketing. It seems as if they are wasting their valuable time and reso Read More
When it comes to marketing, working with previous clients is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get projects. Referrals are a close second.

With repeat business, the client is already sold on you. As long as you understand the project and your fee is agreeable, you’re likely to get the job. Read More
With the convergence of businesses and the use of the internet as a marketing tool, if not the market place itself, more and more people are going online to do ... Read More
Every brand has a mandate to attract new customers at all times. Indeed, attracting new customers is one sure way to guarantee funds without going bankrupt.

Everyone has an opinion about the way their customers feel towards them. The more you show that you care about your customer, the more they Read More
Today we are discussing How To Display Author Profile Picture in Google Search Results. Showing authorship/ownership of a blog in google search results is one of the popular and featured tactic for getting popularity in web and our favorite Blogosphere Read More
It's a question I hear frequently as more women start their own company, write a book, or turn their idea into a product. Read More
If your Google ranking dipped after Penguin was unleashed, there's a good chance that your anchor text is to blame. This article covers how to handle anchor texts. Read More
bOnline’s new research has found that more small businesses have a website than previously thought - but the vast majority of them aren’t fit for purpose. Most small business websites could actually be doing more harm than good. Find out the stats here.
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It is estimated that 50% of Americans consume at least one soda per day, totaling about 8.5 billion gallons. SodaStream (NASDAQ: SODA) has taken an interesting Read More
Often we charge right into our week after the weekend. But, starting your week without knowing what you need to do is a recipe for ineffectiveness. That’s where your list comes in. Read More

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